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How to use the HTTP API
1 API Usage Guide
1.1 Request Process Overview
- Generate request data: according to the interface specification you need to generate the request with a valid JSON object. The prefered way to do this is with the @gny/client.
- Send request data: transfer the generated data to the GNY Blockchain also with @gny/client.
- GNY Blockchain handles data object: after receiving the data object, the GNY Blockchain will validate the data first and edit to a block if all checks pass.
- Return the response data: The GNY Blockchain returns the transaction id upon successful execution. See the corresponding endpoint specification for detail.
- Client handles the response data
::: tip
The @gny/client is the preferred way to communicate with the HTTP API
Head to the @gny/client documentation for details
2 Interface
2.1 Accounts
2.1.1 Read Account Read Account with PublicKey
API Endpoint: /api/accounts/openAccount
Supported Format: JSON
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
publicKey | string | Y | GNY publicKey |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | Whether login is successful |
account | json | Account information |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example:
curl -X POST --data "publicKey=41d36d74761593dcf1380faafcd487b84e014eba27c044d1aa87782d1cbd1a19"
JSON Response Example:
"account": {
"address": "G2QEzc5BndQ2h6BsSNqimCWbSBV9L",
"balance": "20000000000",
"secondPublicKey": null,
"lockHeight": "0",
"lockAmount": "0",
"isDelegate": 0,
"username": null,
"publicKey": "a87c7230d9ade987dbf612605aab652667e6303d2a1c6b2ec91a13733593bb75"
"latestBlock": {
"height": 53,
"timestamp": 3471490
"version": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"build": "Sun Feb 02 2020 19:42:18 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)",
"net": "mainnet"
::: tab testnet
Request Example:
curl -X POST --data "publicKey=41d36d74761593dcf1380faafcd487b84e014eba27c044d1aa87782d1cbd1a19" http://localhost:4096/api/accounts/openAccount/
JSON Response Example:
"account": {
"address": "G2QEzc5BndQ2h6BsSNqimCWbSBV9L",
"balance": "20000000000",
"secondPublicKey": null,
"lockHeight": "0",
"lockAmount": "0",
"isDelegate": 0,
"username": null,
"publicKey": "a87c7230d9ade987dbf612605aab652667e6303d2a1c6b2ec91a13733593bb75"
"latestBlock": {
"height": 53,
"timestamp": 3471490
"version": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"build": "Sun Feb 02 2020 19:42:18 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)",
"net": "testnet"
2.1.2 Get Account Information
API Endpoint: /api/accounts
Supported Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
address | string | N | account address |
username | string | N | account username |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | whether response data can be returned |
account | json | account information |
latestBlock | json | latest block information |
version | json | version information |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example (address):
curl -k -X GET
Request Example (username):
curl -k -X GET
JSON Response Example (address):
"account": {
"address": "G3wAwmGh3rimRm9v4qjuh7RkkAebM",
"balance": 2000000000000,
"secondPublicKey": "",
"lockHeight": 0
"latestBlock": {
"height": 5,
"timestamp": 3472080
"version": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"build": "Sun Feb 02 2020 19:46:48 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)",
"net": "mainnet"
JSON Response Example (username):
"address": "G3wAwmGh3rimRm9v4qjuh7RkkAebM",
"username": "liangpeili",
"gny": 2000000000000,
"publicKey": null,
"secondPublicKey": null,
"isDelegate": 1,
"isLocked": 0,
"lockHeight": 0,
"lockAmount": 0,
"_version_": 3
::: tab testnet
Request Example (address):
curl -k -X GET http://localhost:4096/api/accounts?address=G4b8BhmeRFBmWAHZemKD25BmEP2G
Request Example (username):
curl -k -X GET http://localhost:4096/api/accounts?username=liangpeili
JSON Response Example (address):
"account": {
"address": "G3wAwmGh3rimRm9v4qjuh7RkkAebM",
"balance": 2000000000000,
"secondPublicKey": "",
"lockHeight": 0
"latestBlock": {
"height": 5,
"timestamp": 3472080
"version": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"build": "Sun Feb 02 2020 19:46:48 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)",
"net": "testnet"
JSON Response Example (username):
"address": "G3wAwmGh3rimRm9v4qjuh7RkkAebM",
"username": "liangpeili",
"gny": 2000000000000,
"publicKey": null,
"secondPublicKey": null,
"isDelegate": 1,
"isLocked": 0,
"lockHeight": 0,
"lockAmount": 0,
"_version_": 3
2.1.3 Get Balance of Account
API Endpoint: /api/accounts/getBalance
Supported Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
address | string | Y | Client’s address |
limit | number | N | |
offset | number | N |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
count | number | the total number of available balances |
balances | Array | list of balances |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET ''
JSON Response Example:
"success": true,
"balances": [
"gny": "0"
::: tab testnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/accounts/getBalance?address=GJX8DYKb7mF3M6JCUhBqYnLiha6y'
JSON Response Example:
"success": true,
"balances": [
"gny": "0"
2.2 Transactions
2.2.1 Get the Transaction Detail Information
API Endpoint: /api/transactions
Supported Format: urlencoded
Comment: if there is no parameter in request data, all transactions will be returned.
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
limit | integer | N | the limitation of returned records,minimum:0,maximum:100 |
offset | integer | N | offset, minimum 0 |
id | string | N | transaction id |
senderId | N | GNY address of sender | |
senderPublicKey | string | N | sender’s public key |
blockId | string | N | block id |
height | integer | specific block height | |
type | interger | N | Transaction type, see for futher information |
message | string | Transaction message |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
transactions | Array | A JSON object list containing multiple transactions’ detail |
count | int | the total number of available transactions |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET ''
JSON Response Example:
::: tab testnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/transactions?recipientId=16723473400748954103&orderBy=t_timestamp:desc&limit=3'
JSON Response Example:
2.2.3 Get Transaction Detail by Unconfirmed Transaction ID
API Endpoint: /api/transactions/unconfirmed/get
Supported Format: urlencoded
Info: A unconfirmed transaction is only available up to 10 seconds until it is confirmed
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | Y | unconfirmed transaction id |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
transaction | json | unconfirmed transaction detail inforamtion |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET ''
JSON Response Example:
::: tab testnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/transactions/unconfirmed/get?id=1dd72aac3dd011754ea2ca80406014404acbe7550463232208c7ddaf63398c03'
JSON Response Example:
2.2.4 Get Unconfirmed Transaction Detail Information [within all network]
API Endpoint: /api/transactions/unconfirmed
Supported Format: urlencoded
Comment: If there is no parameter, all unconfirmed transactions in the whole network will be returned.
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
senderPublicKey | string | N | sender’s public key |
address | string | N | address |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
transactions | Array | a list containing all unconfirmed transactions |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET ''
JSON Response Example:
"success": true,
"transactions": [] //Currently there is no unconfirmed transaction in the whole network
::: tab testnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/transactions/unconfirmed'
JSON Response Example:
"success": true,
"transactions": [] //Currently there is no unconfirmed transaction in the whole network
2.3 Blocks
2.3.1 Get the Block Detail Information of the Given ID
API Endpoint: /api/blocks/getBlock
Supported Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | only choose one of these three parameters | block ID |
height | string | ditto | block height |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
block | json | the block detail information |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET ''
JSON Response Example:
::: tab testnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/blocks/getBlock?id=fed53e3ad0a1405f73122708ee53dfed2e9eccc34693d52043bdb6aec4751a8c'
JSON Response Example:
2.3.2 Get the Latest Block
API Endpoint: /api/blocks
Supported Format: urlencoded
Comment: if there is no parameter, the detail of all the blocks in the whole network will be returned
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
limit | integer | N | maximum number of returned records, between 0 and 100 |
offset | integer | N | default is 0 |
orderBy | string | N | sort by a field in the table, for example, specify height:desc to sort descending, default is height:asc . You can only sort by the height property |
transactions | boolean | N | When transactions=true then |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
blocks | Array | a list of JSON objects containing block detail |
count | integer | block height |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET ''
JSON Response Example:
::: tab testnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/blocks?limit=2&offset=0&orderBy=height:desc'
JSON Response Example:
2.3.3 Get the Block Height
API Endpoint: /api/blocks/getHeight
Supported Format: none
Request Parameter Description: none
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
height | integer | block height |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET ''
JSON Response Example:
::: tab testnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/blocks/getheight'
JSON Response Example:
2.3.5 Get the Milestone
API Endpoint: /api/blocks/getMilestone
Supported Format: none
Request Parameter Description: none
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
milestone | integer |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
curl -k -X GET ''
JSON Response Example:
::: tab testnet
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/blocks/getMilestone'
JSON Response Example:
Request Example:
2.3.6 Get the Reward Information of a Block
API Endpoint: /api/blocks/getReward
Request Method: GET
Supported Format: none
Request Parameter Description: none
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
reward | integer | the reward of the block |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET ''
JSON Response Example:
} // every single block that is created will be rewarded by
::: tab testnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/blocks/getReward'
JSON Response Example:
} // every single block that is created will be rewarded by
2.3.7 Get the Current Maximum Supply of the Blockchain
API Endpoint: /api/blocks/getSupply
Supported Format: none
Request Parameter Description: none
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
supply | integer | the total amount of XAS in the whole network |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET ''
JSON Response Example:
::: tab testnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/blocks/getSupply'
JSON Response Example:
2.3.8 Get Current Status of Blockchain
API Endpoint: /api/blocks/getStatus
Supported Format: none
Request Parameter Description: none
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
height | integer | blockchain height |
fee | integer | transaction fee |
milestone | integer | |
reward | integer | block reward |
supply | integer | total amount of XAS in the whole network |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
curl -k -X GET ''
JSON Response Example:
::: tab testnet
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/blocks/getStatus'
JSON Response Example:
Request Example:
2.4 Delegates
2.4.1 Get the Total Number of Delegates
API Endpoint: /api/delegates/count
Supported Format: none
Request Parameter Description: none
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
count | integer | total number of delegates |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET ''
JSON Response Example:
::: tab testnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/delegates/count'
JSON Response Example:
2.4.2 Get Voters of Delegate by Delegate Public Key
API Endpoint: /api/delegates/getVoters
Request Method: GET
Supported Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
publicKey | string | Y | public key of the delegate |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
accounts | Array | a JSON object list of account |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET ''
JSON Response Example:
"success": true,
"accounts": [{
"address": "2918354313445278349",
"publicKey": "4fde4c49f1297d5d3a24b1494204543c4281aff17917ff7ff8ff32da3b4b222f",
"balance": 1338227722727,
"weight": 0.013316660647014596
"address": "1523444724068322527",
"publicKey": "8a6a61c28dc47541aadf1eecec2175c8f768f2331eea3472b1593bf1aa4e1fb4",
"balance": 2109297623765,
"weight": 0.020989552213127274
"address": "14483826354741911727",
"publicKey": "5dacb7983095466b9b037690150c3edec0f073815326e33a4744b6d1d50953e2",
"balance": 5135815841470,
"weight": 0.051106336795243436
::: tab testnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/delegates/getVoters?username=gny_d1'
JSON Response Example:
"success": true,
"accounts": [{
"address": "2918354313445278349",
"publicKey": "4fde4c49f1297d5d3a24b1494204543c4281aff17917ff7ff8ff32da3b4b222f",
"balance": 1338227722727,
"weight": 0.013316660647014596
"address": "1523444724068322527",
"publicKey": "8a6a61c28dc47541aadf1eecec2175c8f768f2331eea3472b1593bf1aa4e1fb4",
"balance": 2109297623765,
"weight": 0.020989552213127274
"address": "14483826354741911727",
"publicKey": "5dacb7983095466b9b037690150c3edec0f073815326e33a4744b6d1d50953e2",
"balance": 5135815841470,
"weight": 0.051106336795243436
2.4.3 Get the Delegate’s Detail by Public Key or Name
API Endpoint: /api/delegates/get/
Supported Format: urlencoded
Comment: Get the delegate’s detail by his/her public key or user name
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
publickey | string | choose only one parameter of these three | delegate’s public key |
username | string | ditto | delegate’s user name |
address | string | ditto | delgates’s address |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
delegate | JSON | the detail information of this delegate |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example (publicKey):
curl -k -X GET ''
Request Example (username):
curl -k -X GET ''
Request Example (address):
curl -k -X GET ''
JSON Response Example:
::: tab testnet
Request Example (publicKey):
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/delegates/get?publicKey=85b4c2efe56642398dad3f1ec338e87e712063cfaee4a836cb58b673cdb820f4'
Request Example (username):
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/delegates/get?username=gny_d1'
Request Example (address):
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/delegates/get?address=G3kkkSaJNVY87AhVPyxXVGFpR61VB'
JSON Response Example:
2.4.4 Get the List of Delegates
API Endpoint: /api/delegates
Supported Format: urlencoded
Comment: if there is no parameter, all delegates in the whole network will be returned.
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
limit | int | N | maximum return records |
offset | integer | N | offset, minimum: 0 |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
delegates | Array | a list containing delegates’ detail information |
count | number | How many delegates exist overall? |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET ''
JSON Response Example:
::: tab testnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/delegates?limit=2&offset=2'
JSON Response Example:
2.4.7 Get own Votes
API Endpoint: /api/delegates/getOwnVotes
Supported Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
address | string | N | accounts address |
username | string | N | accounts username |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
delegates | Array | a list containing delegates’ detail information |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example (with username):
curl -k -X GET ''
Request Example (with address):
curl -k -X GET ''
JSON Response Example:
::: tab testnet
Request Example (with username):
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/delegates/getOwnVotes?username=a1300'
Request Example (with address):
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/delegates/getOwnVotes?address=GtnevSTQqPUcZNAMFJmc8DLUXHFz'
JSON Response Example:
2.4.8 Enable Forging for Delegate
API Endpoint: /api/delegates/forging/enable
Supported Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
secret | string | Y | GNY account password |
publicKey | string | N | public key |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example:
curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"secret":"flat entire admit review filter addict friend author ahead bullet wife bind"}' ''
JSON Response Example:
::: tab testnet
Request Example:
curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"secret":"flat entire admit review filter addict friend author ahead bullet wife bind"}' 'http://localhost:4096/api/delegates/forging/enable'
JSON Response Example:
2.4.9 Disable Forging for Delegate
API Endpoint: /api/delegates/forging/disable
Supported Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
secret | string | Y | GNY account password |
publicKey | string | N | public key |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example:
curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"secret":"flat entire admit review filter addict friend author ahead bullet wife bind"}' ''
JSON Response Example:
::: tab testnet
Request Example:
curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"secret":"flat entire admit review filter addict friend author ahead bullet wife bind"}' 'http://localhost:4096/api/delegates/forging/disable'
JSON Response Example:
2.4.10 Check Delgate Forging Status
API Endpoint: /api/delegates/forging/status
Supported Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
publicKey | string | N | public key of a delegate |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example:
curl -X GET ''
JSON Response Example (forging enabled):
JSON Response Example (forging disabled):
::: tab testnet
Request Example:
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/delegates/forging/status?publicKey=ff47c9e9bafcf28ae8528c2b259661ade96a3030ab73ddde82b52ee44c9122b5'
JSON Response Example (forging enabled):
JSON Response Example (forging disabled):
2.4.11 Return own Delegates Produced Blocks
API Endpoint: /api/delegates/ownProducedBlocks
Supported Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
publicKey | string | N | public key of a delegate |
address | string | N | address of a delegate |
username | string | N | username of a delegate |
limit | integer | N | maximum number of produced blocks to return, between 0 and 100 |
offset | integer | N | Offset, minimum 0 |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
delegate | JSON | the detail information of this delegate |
blocks | Array | a list of JSON objects containing block detail |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET ''
JSON Response Example:
"success": true,
"delegate": {
"address": "GM5CevQY3brUyRtDMng5Co41nWHh",
"username": "gny_d1",
"tid": "4c1ff5bfa17873df950b81f371cd0c9273d87af97af148b215d2f24545e383b2",
"publicKey": "0bcf038e0cb8cb61b72cb06f943afcca62094ad568276426a295ba8f550708a9",
"votes": "0",
"producedBlocks": "2",
"missedBlocks": "0",
"fees": "0",
"rewards": "0",
"_version_": 3,
"rate": 97,
"approval": "0",
"productivity": "1"
"blocks": [
"id": "716bb19a164a648e51cdadb65abdaa23c694c4cc9c0b4a2d93fb514700a94e7a",
"version": 0,
"timestamp": 51573040,
"height": "30",
"prevBlockId": "8a7cd22f62a38479c289a20ab127b85c1c6c8051c94923cf7658a5b793324f4e",
"count": 0,
"fees": "0",
"reward": "0",
"payloadHash": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
"delegate": "0bcf038e0cb8cb61b72cb06f943afcca62094ad568276426a295ba8f550708a9",
"signature": "3f7f435bac597e613556aba202608f2a4cec3b0c669c560668842fbc175312732845f49d00417100ed58c3b54a21cfc52606cdd86791081b93203713d0a79e01",
"_version_": 0
"id": "e931f45694b3ebec04ef8c46862674b6794edfbb2864380645606127130e3375",
"version": 0,
"timestamp": 51574500,
"height": "176",
"prevBlockId": "c338eff51fb578ba608d2d652bcb8efabd69275e3857fda422bab34df88da9a9",
"count": 0,
"fees": "0",
"reward": "0",
"payloadHash": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
"delegate": "0bcf038e0cb8cb61b72cb06f943afcca62094ad568276426a295ba8f550708a9",
"signature": "2f58cc7c186639b447a33efc2111679e363a0cfbe82525e6c910b47722a397ac31e57538d8880392a4192056bee549ac48d81ca847b581f9aca53ba08d265908",
"_version_": 0
::: tab testnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/delegates/ownProducedBlocks?username=gny_d1'
JSON Response Example:
"success": true,
"delegate": {
"address": "GM5CevQY3brUyRtDMng5Co41nWHh",
"username": "gny_d1",
"tid": "4c1ff5bfa17873df950b81f371cd0c9273d87af97af148b215d2f24545e383b2",
"publicKey": "0bcf038e0cb8cb61b72cb06f943afcca62094ad568276426a295ba8f550708a9",
"votes": "0",
"producedBlocks": "2",
"missedBlocks": "0",
"fees": "0",
"rewards": "0",
"_version_": 3,
"rate": 97,
"approval": "0",
"productivity": "1"
"blocks": [
"id": "716bb19a164a648e51cdadb65abdaa23c694c4cc9c0b4a2d93fb514700a94e7a",
"version": 0,
"timestamp": 51573040,
"height": "30",
"prevBlockId": "8a7cd22f62a38479c289a20ab127b85c1c6c8051c94923cf7658a5b793324f4e",
"count": 0,
"fees": "0",
"reward": "0",
"payloadHash": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
"delegate": "0bcf038e0cb8cb61b72cb06f943afcca62094ad568276426a295ba8f550708a9",
"signature": "3f7f435bac597e613556aba202608f2a4cec3b0c669c560668842fbc175312732845f49d00417100ed58c3b54a21cfc52606cdd86791081b93203713d0a79e01",
"_version_": 0
"id": "e931f45694b3ebec04ef8c46862674b6794edfbb2864380645606127130e3375",
"version": 0,
"timestamp": 51574500,
"height": "176",
"prevBlockId": "c338eff51fb578ba608d2d652bcb8efabd69275e3857fda422bab34df88da9a9",
"count": 0,
"fees": "0",
"reward": "0",
"payloadHash": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
"delegate": "0bcf038e0cb8cb61b72cb06f943afcca62094ad568276426a295ba8f550708a9",
"signature": "2f58cc7c186639b447a33efc2111679e363a0cfbe82525e6c910b47722a397ac31e57538d8880392a4192056bee549ac48d81ca847b581f9aca53ba08d265908",
"_version_": 0
2.5 Peers
2.5.1 Get all Peers’ Information in the Whole Network
API Endpoint: /api/peers
Supported Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description: none
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
peers | Array | a JSON array of peers’ information |
count | integer | the number of currently running peers |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET ''
JSON Response Example:
"success": true,
"peers": [
"id": {
"id": "QmeDn2SETzxuENnAiynzWXjw78eDRiNLmwzNDtwb2XhVsi",
"pubKey": "CAASpgIwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDo9QnqRUmrO3uAqyoAAnjmDB7+lCSA9a7tAKv0vsq0fnq0/espA70e7sJZSjmHqOpP5Jyse3pjezMfSsBR80vQJheb0dOwCsZu/dJ2kA0nuXRZwOd7ZUUsRUh5oj5NFBrY3tuScq/HtbXDqMs0MZdlKIBkEseTnF1rLZw8fhIiY3AFwlJFUCNGKyrk2rk6IvrwMWshyBkr+r1pPfGp6W46/fw5gwdvRTgxCvmqkQq35uncosBbV2+lAimvviTfT7NR6SuLdkAb5TqC0kh7XJV2eu44TtHwI/rTQw0lfCg/WnRKA+uFyedeg3BcTzqjdnhkxP8v7KAMnxi8Z/3q50jbAgMBAAE="
"multiaddrs": [
"simple": {
"host": "",
"port": 4097
"id": {
"id": "QmPiFnYYNeuYBxqzA77bPPrpJ8AaGJQujMVFXYJEGbpMRR",
"pubKey": "CAASpgIwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDghE7wWvJxLW2KFTgfaBQ6Yh5hpSrxZqlOu/M4kWFcZ87S81053So92CCcTLdJPaE6mvip3/PTHpzzvfsiEhk7/1oTHDonKjbx44L39dqzvVht+q8LyU3XYo8qw6mJd4Ry69+89V1RmgJGdEtR+G2sBQxZ/m+subcHKfy6jvG2Zw8BkJdcyjlAXaH4mw9ZO5lkrN8E0aI32GwipVBu37Wts7ZYIcJxZ9zxGGVwNb7B8Utq2DVSpmqguM9M1DsBDJZ+yZg3vF435zLcmMS7eRLCB0PIXrZ5HPYsDKk/FMyF3sDy05xtGTUgF75L7zeMYxoEUg6BtgM9HV5T2cWtcDDXAgMBAAE="
"multiaddrs": [
"simple": {
"host": "",
"port": 4097
"count": 2
::: tab testnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/peers'
JSON Response Example:
"success": true,
"peers": [
"id": {
"id": "QmeDn2SETzxuENnAiynzWXjw78eDRiNLmwzNDtwb2XhVsi",
"pubKey": "CAASpgIwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDo9QnqRUmrO3uAqyoAAnjmDB7+lCSA9a7tAKv0vsq0fnq0/espA70e7sJZSjmHqOpP5Jyse3pjezMfSsBR80vQJheb0dOwCsZu/dJ2kA0nuXRZwOd7ZUUsRUh5oj5NFBrY3tuScq/HtbXDqMs0MZdlKIBkEseTnF1rLZw8fhIiY3AFwlJFUCNGKyrk2rk6IvrwMWshyBkr+r1pPfGp6W46/fw5gwdvRTgxCvmqkQq35uncosBbV2+lAimvviTfT7NR6SuLdkAb5TqC0kh7XJV2eu44TtHwI/rTQw0lfCg/WnRKA+uFyedeg3BcTzqjdnhkxP8v7KAMnxi8Z/3q50jbAgMBAAE="
"multiaddrs": [
"simple": {
"host": "",
"port": 4097
"id": {
"id": "QmPiFnYYNeuYBxqzA77bPPrpJ8AaGJQujMVFXYJEGbpMRR",
"pubKey": "CAASpgIwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDghE7wWvJxLW2KFTgfaBQ6Yh5hpSrxZqlOu/M4kWFcZ87S81053So92CCcTLdJPaE6mvip3/PTHpzzvfsiEhk7/1oTHDonKjbx44L39dqzvVht+q8LyU3XYo8qw6mJd4Ry69+89V1RmgJGdEtR+G2sBQxZ/m+subcHKfy6jvG2Zw8BkJdcyjlAXaH4mw9ZO5lkrN8E0aI32GwipVBu37Wts7ZYIcJxZ9zxGGVwNb7B8Utq2DVSpmqguM9M1DsBDJZ+yZg3vF435zLcmMS7eRLCB0PIXrZ5HPYsDKk/FMyF3sDy05xtGTUgF75L7zeMYxoEUg6BtgM9HV5T2cWtcDDXAgMBAAE="
"multiaddrs": [
"simple": {
"host": "",
"port": 4097
"count": 2
2.5.2 Get the Version of Peer
API Endpoint: /api/peers/version
Supported Format: none
Request Parameter Description: none
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
version | string | version number |
build | timestamp | built time |
net | string | either localnet, testnet or mainnet |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET ''
JSON Response Example:
"success": true,
"version": "1.0.5",
"build": "Tue Jan 28 2020 12:44:42 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)",
"net": "localnet"
::: tab testnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/peers/version'
JSON Response Example:
"success": true,
"version": "1.0.5",
"build": "Tue Jan 28 2020 12:44:42 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)",
"net": "localnet"
2.5.3 Get Node P2P Information
API Endpoint: /api/peers/version
Supported Format: none
Request Parameter Description: none
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
id | string of peerId | libp2p peer-id |
multiaddrs | string[] | Array of multiaddrs strings which is used for p2p communcation |
publicIp | string | own public ip |
address | string | ip address on which the server is listening. Normal this is a private ip address |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET ''
JSON Response Example:
"success": true,
"id": "QmQbVdde9AeXSP3FoLyVNd3Fi3BjCe2tFyJV43bNWEBYSA",
"multiaddrs": [
"publicIp": "",
"address": ""
::: tab testnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/peers/info'
JSON Response Example:
"success": true,
"id": "QmQbVdde9AeXSP3FoLyVNd3Fi3BjCe2tFyJV43bNWEBYSA",
"multiaddrs": [
"publicIp": "",
"address": ""
2.6 Sync and Loader
2.6.1 Get the local blockchain loadig status
API Endpoint: /api/loader/status
Supported Format: none
Request Parameter Description: none
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
loaded | bool | |
blocksCount | integer | |
now | integer |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET ''
JSON Response Example:
::: tab testnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/loader/status'
JSON Response Example:
2.6.2 Get the block syncing status
API Endpoint: /api/loader/status/sync
Supported Format: none
Request Parameter Description: none
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
height | int | block height |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET ''
JSON Response Example:
::: tab testnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/loader/status/sync'
JSON Response Example:
2.7 Transfers
2.6.1 Get the transfers
API Endpoint: /api/transfers/
Supported Format: none
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
query.limit | integer | N | the limitation of returned records,minimum:0,maximum:100 |
query.offset | integer | N | offset, minimum 0 |
query.ownId | string | N | GNY address, this will return all transfers where the ownId is the recipient or the sender |
query.currency | string | N | gny UIA Assets |
query.senderId | string | N | GNY address of sender |
query.recipientId | string | N | recipient’s GNY address |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
count | string | the number of transfers |
transfers | Array | An array of transfers |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET ''
JSON Response Example:
"count": 1,
"transfers": [
{"tid": "0b20e6bebe415f6112f47ffc59ec0d6a2119acc292a1bf1dd2d04140ba23633a",
"senderId": "GiAefCner9PPTYs53XcYhfdLsCJ1",
"recipientId": "GQSyZwU8RMZeNDJjitwBbxVCCwD8",
"currency": "GNY",
"amount": "999998500000000",
"timestamp": 72634135,
"height": "256896",
"_version_": 1,
"transaction": {
"id": "0b20e6bebe415f6112f47ffc59ec0d6a2119acc292a1bf1dd2d04140ba23633a",
"type": 0,
"timestamp": 72634135,
"senderId": "GiAefCner9PPTYs53XcYhfdLsCJ1",
"senderPublicKey": "2d30669f98960a039d2a7a40f64883c7bd18706c9a06cba55f1bfa98611c1652",
"fee": "10000000",
"signatures": ["68c639064eb3dc2e31cc0aabcc46cd2a07b62e5071693630a5bca075f216fe24531d4a0e2570f950709c06efb7488c9edf104995a6ffe042f94f334f767e0b08"],
"secondSignature": null,
"args": "["999998500000000","GQSyZwU8RMZeNDJjitwBbxVCCwD8"]",
"height": "256896",
"message": "",
"_version_": 1
::: tab testnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/transfers/'
JSON Response Example:
"count": 1,
"transfers": [
{"tid": "0b20e6bebe415f6112f47ffc59ec0d6a2119acc292a1bf1dd2d04140ba23633a",
"senderId": "GiAefCner9PPTYs53XcYhfdLsCJ1",
"recipientId": "GQSyZwU8RMZeNDJjitwBbxVCCwD8",
"currency": "GNY",
"amount": "999998500000000",
"timestamp": 72634135,
"height": "256896",
"_version_": 1,
"transaction": {
"id": "0b20e6bebe415f6112f47ffc59ec0d6a2119acc292a1bf1dd2d04140ba23633a",
"type": 0,
"timestamp": 72634135,
"senderId": "GiAefCner9PPTYs53XcYhfdLsCJ1",
"senderPublicKey": "2d30669f98960a039d2a7a40f64883c7bd18706c9a06cba55f1bfa98611c1652",
"fee": "10000000",
"signatures": ["68c639064eb3dc2e31cc0aabcc46cd2a07b62e5071693630a5bca075f216fe24531d4a0e2570f950709c06efb7488c9edf104995a6ffe042f94f334f767e0b08"],
"secondSignature": null,
"args": "["999998500000000","GQSyZwU8RMZeNDJjitwBbxVCCwD8"]",
"height": "256896",
"message": "",
"_version_": 1
2.6.2 Get the total amount of transfers
API Endpoint: /api/transfers/amount
Supported Format: none
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
startTimestamp | string | Y | start timestamp |
endTimestamp | string | Y | end timestamp |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
count | string | the number of transfers |
strTotalAmount | string | the total amout of transfers |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET ''
JSON Response Example:
"count": 43,
"strTotalAmount": "87709270370000000"
::: tab testnet
Request Example:
curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/transfers/amount'
JSON Response Example:
"count": 43,
"strTotalAmount": "87709270370000000"
2.11 User Defined Asset UIA
2.11.1 Get all publishers
API Endpoint: /api/uia/issuers
Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
limit | integer | N | maximum number of records to return, between 0 and 100 |
offset | integer | N | Offset, minimum 0 |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean | Whether operation was successful |
issuers | Array | Array of publishers |
count | integer | Total number of publishers |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request example:
curl -X GET ''
JSON Response:
"desc":""some description"",
::: tab testnet
Request example:
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/uia/issuers?offset=0&limit=2'
JSON Response:
"desc":""some description"",
2.11.2 Query information about a publisher by name
API Endpoint: /api/uia/issuers/:name|address
Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
publisherName | string | Y | Can be GNY publisher name |
address | string | Y | Can be the GNY account address |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean | Whether operation was successful |
issuers | JSON | Contains the publisher name, description and id (GNY address) |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request example (publisher name):
curl -X GET ''
Request example (publisher address):
curl -X GET ''
JSON Response:
"desc":""some description"",
::: tab testnet
Request example (publisher name):
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/uia/issuers/AAA'
Request example (publisher address):
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/uia/issuers/G4GDW6G78sgQdSdVAQUXdm5xPS13t'
JSON Response:
"desc":""some description"",
2.11.3 View assets of a specified publisher
API Endpoint: /api/uia/issuers/:publisherName/assets
Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
limit | integer | N | maximum number of records to return, between 0 and 100 |
offset | integer | N | Offset, minimum 0 |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean | Whether operation was successful |
assets | Array | Array of assets |
count | interger | The total number of assets registered by the publisher |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request example:
curl -X GET ''
JSON Response:
"desc":"some description",
::: tab testnet
Request example:
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/uia/issuers/AAA/assets/'
JSON Response:
"desc":"some description",
2.11.4 Get all assets
API Endpoint: /api/uia/assets
Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
limit | integer | N | maximum number of records to return, between 0 and 100 |
offset | integer | N | Offset, minimum 0 |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean | Whether operation was successful |
assets | Array | Array of assets |
count | integer | Number of all assets |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request example:
curl -X GET ''
JSON Response:
"desc":"some description",
::: tab testnet
Request example:
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/uia/assets?offset=0&limit=2'
JSON Response:
"desc":"some description",
2.11.5 Get specified asset information
API Endpoint: /api/uia/assets/:name
Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name | string | Y | Asset name |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean | Whether operation was successful |
assets | JSON | Contains asset name, description, cap, precision, current circulation, issue height, publisher id |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request example:
curl -X GET ''
JSON Response:
"desc":"some description",
::: tab testnet
Request example:
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/uia/assets/AAA.BBB'
JSON Response:
"desc":"some description",
2.11.6 Get the balance of all UIA Assets for an account
API Endpoint: /api/uia/balances/:address
Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
address | string | Y | GNY account address |
limit | integer | N | maximum number of records to return, between 0 and 100 |
offset | integer | N | Offset, minimum 0 |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean | Whether operation was successful |
balances | Array | Asset array, details owned, each element is an asset, including asset name, balance, cap, precision, current circulation, whether to cancel (0: not cancelled, 1: cancelled) |
count | integer | The number of assets currently owned by this address |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request example:
curl -X GET ''
JSON Response:
::: tab testnet
Request example:
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/uia/balances/G4GDW6G78sgQdSdVAQUXdm5xPS13t'
JSON Response:
2.11.7 Get balance of a specific UIA Asset for an account
API Endpoint: /api/uia/balances/:address/:currency
Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description: none
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean | Whether operation was successful |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request example:
curl -X GET ''
JSON Response:
::: tab testnet
Request example:
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/uia/balances/G4GDW6G78sgQdSdVAQUXdm5xPS13t/AAA.BBB'
JSON Response:
2.11.8 Get holders of a specific UIA Asset
API Endpoint: /api/uia/holders/:currency
Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
currency | string | Y | a specific UIA Asset |
limit | integer | N | maximum number of records to return, between 0 and 100 |
offset | integer | N | Offset, minimum 0 |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean | Whether operation was successful |
holders | Array | Asset array, each element is an asset holder, including address, balance, currency |
count | integer | The number of holders owning this asset |
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
Request example:
curl -X GET ''
JSON Response:
::: tab testnet
Request example:
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/uia/holders/AAA.BBB'
JSON Response:
2.9 Initiate Transactions
2.9.1 Overview
In order to send transactions you need set the magic
:::: tabs
::: tab mainnet
curl -X POST --header "magic: e6a8a4cd"
axios (JavaScript example)
const exampleUrl = "";
const data = {
transaction: someTransaction
const config = {
headers: {
magic: "e6a8a4cd"
await, data, config);
::: tab testnet
curl -X POST --header "magic: 594fe0f3"
axios (JavaScript example)
const exampleUrl = "http://localhost:4096/peer/transactions";
const data = {
transaction: someTransaction
const config = {
headers: {
magic: "594fe0f3"
await, data, config);