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How to use the HTTP API


1 API Usage Guide

1.1 Request Process Overview

  • Generate request data: according to the interface specification you need to generate the request with a valid JSON object. The prefered way to do this is with the @gny/client.
  • Send request data: transfer the generated data to the GNY Blockchain also with @gny/client.
  • GNY Blockchain handles data object: after receiving the data object, the GNY Blockchain will validate the data first and edit to a block if all checks pass.
  • Return the response data: The GNY Blockchain returns the transaction id upon successful execution. See the corresponding endpoint specification for detail.
  • Client handles the response data

::: tip
The @gny/client is the preferred way to communicate with the HTTP API

Head to the @gny/client documentation for details


2 Interface

2.1 Accounts

2.1.1 Read Account Read Account with PublicKey

API Endpoint: /api/accounts/openAccount
Supported Format: JSON
Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
publicKey string Y GNY publicKey

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool Whether login is successful
account json Account information

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request Example:

curl -X POST --data "publicKey=41d36d74761593dcf1380faafcd487b84e014eba27c044d1aa87782d1cbd1a19"

JSON Response Example:

  "account": {
    "address": "G2QEzc5BndQ2h6BsSNqimCWbSBV9L",
    "balance": "20000000000",
    "secondPublicKey": null,
    "lockHeight": "0",
    "lockAmount": "0",
    "isDelegate": 0,
    "username": null,
    "publicKey": "a87c7230d9ade987dbf612605aab652667e6303d2a1c6b2ec91a13733593bb75"
  "latestBlock": {
    "height": 53,
    "timestamp": 3471490
  "version": {
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "build": "Sun Feb 02 2020 19:42:18 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)",
    "net": "mainnet"


::: tab testnet

Request Example:

curl -X POST --data "publicKey=41d36d74761593dcf1380faafcd487b84e014eba27c044d1aa87782d1cbd1a19" http://localhost:4096/api/accounts/openAccount/

JSON Response Example:

  "account": {
    "address": "G2QEzc5BndQ2h6BsSNqimCWbSBV9L",
    "balance": "20000000000",
    "secondPublicKey": null,
    "lockHeight": "0",
    "lockAmount": "0",
    "isDelegate": 0,
    "username": null,
    "publicKey": "a87c7230d9ade987dbf612605aab652667e6303d2a1c6b2ec91a13733593bb75"
  "latestBlock": {
    "height": 53,
    "timestamp": 3471490
  "version": {
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "build": "Sun Feb 02 2020 19:42:18 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)",
    "net": "testnet"



2.1.2 Get Account Information

API Endpoint: /api/accounts
Supported Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
address string N account address
username string N account username

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool whether response data can be returned
account json account information
latestBlock json latest block information
version json version information

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet

Request Example (address):

curl -k -X GET

Request Example (username):

curl -k -X GET

JSON Response Example (address):

  "account": {
    "address": "G3wAwmGh3rimRm9v4qjuh7RkkAebM",
    "balance": 2000000000000,
    "secondPublicKey": "",
    "lockHeight": 0
  "latestBlock": {
    "height": 5,
    "timestamp": 3472080
  "version": {
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "build": "Sun Feb 02 2020 19:46:48 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)",
    "net": "mainnet"

JSON Response Example (username):

  "address": "G3wAwmGh3rimRm9v4qjuh7RkkAebM",
  "username": "liangpeili",
  "gny": 2000000000000,
  "publicKey": null,
  "secondPublicKey": null,
  "isDelegate": 1,
  "isLocked": 0,
  "lockHeight": 0,
  "lockAmount": 0,
  "_version_": 3


::: tab testnet

Request Example (address):

curl -k -X GET http://localhost:4096/api/accounts?address=G4b8BhmeRFBmWAHZemKD25BmEP2G

Request Example (username):

curl -k -X GET http://localhost:4096/api/accounts?username=liangpeili

JSON Response Example (address):

  "account": {
    "address": "G3wAwmGh3rimRm9v4qjuh7RkkAebM",
    "balance": 2000000000000,
    "secondPublicKey": "",
    "lockHeight": 0
  "latestBlock": {
    "height": 5,
    "timestamp": 3472080
  "version": {
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "build": "Sun Feb 02 2020 19:46:48 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)",
    "net": "testnet"

JSON Response Example (username):

  "address": "G3wAwmGh3rimRm9v4qjuh7RkkAebM",
  "username": "liangpeili",
  "gny": 2000000000000,
  "publicKey": null,
  "secondPublicKey": null,
  "isDelegate": 1,
  "isLocked": 0,
  "lockHeight": 0,
  "lockAmount": 0,
  "_version_": 3



2.1.3 Get Balance of Account

API Endpoint: /api/accounts/getBalance
Supported Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
address string Y Client’s address
limit number N
offset number N

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
count number the total number of available balances
balances Array list of balances

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet

Request Example:

curl -k -X GET ''

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "balances": [
      "gny": "0"


::: tab testnet

Request Example:

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/accounts/getBalance?address=GJX8DYKb7mF3M6JCUhBqYnLiha6y'

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "balances": [
      "gny": "0"



2.2 Transactions

2.2.1 Get the Transaction Detail Information

API Endpoint: /api/transactions
Supported Format: urlencoded
Comment: if there is no parameter in request data, all transactions will be returned.

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
limit integer N the limitation of returned records,minimum:0,maximum:100
offset integer N offset, minimum 0
id string N transaction id
senderId N GNY address of sender
senderPublicKey string N sender’s public key
blockId string N block id
height integer specific block height
type interger N Transaction type, see for futher information
message string Transaction message

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
transactions Array A JSON object list containing multiple transactions’ detail
count int the total number of available transactions

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET ''

JSON Response Example:



::: tab testnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/transactions?recipientId=16723473400748954103&orderBy=t_timestamp:desc&limit=3'

JSON Response Example:




2.2.3 Get Transaction Detail by Unconfirmed Transaction ID

API Endpoint: /api/transactions/unconfirmed/get
Supported Format: urlencoded
Info: A unconfirmed transaction is only available up to 10 seconds until it is confirmed
Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
id string Y unconfirmed transaction id

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
transaction json unconfirmed transaction detail inforamtion

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET ''

JSON Response Example:



::: tab testnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/transactions/unconfirmed/get?id=1dd72aac3dd011754ea2ca80406014404acbe7550463232208c7ddaf63398c03'

JSON Response Example:




2.2.4 Get Unconfirmed Transaction Detail Information [within all network]

API Endpoint: /api/transactions/unconfirmed
Supported Format: urlencoded
Comment: If there is no parameter, all unconfirmed transactions in the whole network will be returned.
Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
senderPublicKey string N sender’s public key
address string N address

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
transactions Array a list containing all unconfirmed transactions

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet

Request Example:

curl -k -X GET ''

JSON Response Example:

    "success": true,
    "transactions": []      //Currently there is no unconfirmed transaction in the whole network


::: tab testnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/transactions/unconfirmed'

JSON Response Example:

    "success": true,
    "transactions": []      //Currently there is no unconfirmed transaction in the whole network



2.3 Blocks

2.3.1 Get the Block Detail Information of the Given ID

API Endpoint: /api/blocks/getBlock
Supported Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
id string only choose one of these three parameters block ID
height string ditto block height

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
block json the block detail information

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET ''

JSON Response Example:



::: tab testnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/blocks/getBlock?id=fed53e3ad0a1405f73122708ee53dfed2e9eccc34693d52043bdb6aec4751a8c'

JSON Response Example:




2.3.2 Get the Latest Block

API Endpoint: /api/blocks
Supported Format: urlencoded
Comment: if there is no parameter, the detail of all the blocks in the whole network will be returned
Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
limit integer N maximum number of returned records, between 0 and 100
offset integer N default is 0
orderBy string N sort by a field in the table, for example, specify height:desc to sort descending, default is height:asc. You can only sort by the height property
transactions boolean N When transactions=true then

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
blocks Array a list of JSON objects containing block detail
count integer block height

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET ''

JSON Response Example:



::: tab testnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/blocks?limit=2&offset=0&orderBy=height:desc'

JSON Response Example:




2.3.3 Get the Block Height

API Endpoint: /api/blocks/getHeight
Supported Format: none
Request Parameter Description: none

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
height integer block height

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet

Request Example:

curl -k -X GET ''

JSON Response Example:



::: tab testnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/blocks/getheight'

JSON Response Example:




2.3.5 Get the Milestone

API Endpoint: /api/blocks/getMilestone
Supported Format: none
Request Parameter Description: none
Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
milestone integer

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet

curl -k -X GET ''

JSON Response Example:



::: tab testnet

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/blocks/getMilestone'

JSON Response Example:




Request Example:

2.3.6 Get the Reward Information of a Block

API Endpoint: /api/blocks/getReward
Request Method: GET
Supported Format: none
Request Parameter Description: none

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
reward integer the reward of the block

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET ''

JSON Response Example:

} // every single block that is created will be rewarded by


::: tab testnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/blocks/getReward'

JSON Response Example:

} // every single block that is created will be rewarded by



2.3.7 Get the Current Maximum Supply of the Blockchain

API Endpoint: /api/blocks/getSupply
Supported Format: none
Request Parameter Description: none

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
supply integer the total amount of XAS in the whole network

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET ''

JSON Response Example:



::: tab testnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/blocks/getSupply'

JSON Response Example:




2.3.8 Get Current Status of Blockchain

API Endpoint: /api/blocks/getStatus
Supported Format: none
Request Parameter Description: none

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
height integer blockchain height
fee integer transaction fee
milestone integer
reward integer block reward
supply integer total amount of XAS in the whole network

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet

curl -k -X GET ''

JSON Response Example:



::: tab testnet

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/blocks/getStatus'

JSON Response Example:




Request Example:

2.4 Delegates

2.4.1 Get the Total Number of Delegates

API Endpoint: /api/delegates/count
Supported Format: none
Request Parameter Description: none

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
count integer total number of delegates

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET ''

JSON Response Example:



::: tab testnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/delegates/count'

JSON Response Example:




2.4.2 Get Voters of Delegate by Delegate Public Key

API Endpoint: /api/delegates/getVoters
Request Method: GET
Supported Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
publicKey string Y public key of the delegate

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
accounts Array a JSON object list of account

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET ''

JSON Response Example:

    "success": true,
    "accounts": [{
        "address": "2918354313445278349",
        "publicKey": "4fde4c49f1297d5d3a24b1494204543c4281aff17917ff7ff8ff32da3b4b222f",
        "balance": 1338227722727,
        "weight": 0.013316660647014596
        "address": "1523444724068322527",
        "publicKey": "8a6a61c28dc47541aadf1eecec2175c8f768f2331eea3472b1593bf1aa4e1fb4",
        "balance": 2109297623765,
        "weight": 0.020989552213127274
        "address": "14483826354741911727",
        "publicKey": "5dacb7983095466b9b037690150c3edec0f073815326e33a4744b6d1d50953e2",
        "balance": 5135815841470,
        "weight": 0.051106336795243436


::: tab testnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/delegates/getVoters?username=gny_d1'

JSON Response Example:

    "success": true,
    "accounts": [{
        "address": "2918354313445278349",
        "publicKey": "4fde4c49f1297d5d3a24b1494204543c4281aff17917ff7ff8ff32da3b4b222f",
        "balance": 1338227722727,
        "weight": 0.013316660647014596
        "address": "1523444724068322527",
        "publicKey": "8a6a61c28dc47541aadf1eecec2175c8f768f2331eea3472b1593bf1aa4e1fb4",
        "balance": 2109297623765,
        "weight": 0.020989552213127274
        "address": "14483826354741911727",
        "publicKey": "5dacb7983095466b9b037690150c3edec0f073815326e33a4744b6d1d50953e2",
        "balance": 5135815841470,
        "weight": 0.051106336795243436



2.4.3 Get the Delegate’s Detail by Public Key or Name

API Endpoint: /api/delegates/get/
Supported Format: urlencoded
Comment: Get the delegate’s detail by his/her public key or user name
Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
publickey string choose only one parameter of these three delegate’s public key
username string ditto delegate’s user name
address string ditto delgates’s address

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
delegate JSON the detail information of this delegate

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request Example (publicKey):

curl -k -X GET ''

Request Example (username):

curl -k -X GET ''

Request Example (address):

curl -k -X GET ''

JSON Response Example:



::: tab testnet
Request Example (publicKey):

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/delegates/get?publicKey=85b4c2efe56642398dad3f1ec338e87e712063cfaee4a836cb58b673cdb820f4'

Request Example (username):

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/delegates/get?username=gny_d1'

Request Example (address):

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/delegates/get?address=G3kkkSaJNVY87AhVPyxXVGFpR61VB'

JSON Response Example:




2.4.4 Get the List of Delegates

API Endpoint: /api/delegates
Supported Format: urlencoded
Comment: if there is no parameter, all delegates in the whole network will be returned.
Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
limit int N maximum return records
offset integer N offset, minimum: 0

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
delegates Array a list containing delegates’ detail information
count number How many delegates exist overall?

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET ''

JSON Response Example:



::: tab testnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/delegates?limit=2&offset=2'

JSON Response Example:




2.4.7 Get own Votes

API Endpoint: /api/delegates/getOwnVotes
Supported Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
address string N accounts address
username string N accounts username

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
delegates Array a list containing delegates’ detail information

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet

Request Example (with username):

curl -k -X GET ''

Request Example (with address):

curl -k -X GET ''

JSON Response Example:



::: tab testnet

Request Example (with username):

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/delegates/getOwnVotes?username=a1300'

Request Example (with address):

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/delegates/getOwnVotes?address=GtnevSTQqPUcZNAMFJmc8DLUXHFz'

JSON Response Example:




2.4.8 Enable Forging for Delegate

API Endpoint: /api/delegates/forging/enable
Supported Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
secret string Y GNY account password
publicKey string N public key

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request Example:

curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"secret":"flat entire admit review filter addict friend author ahead bullet wife bind"}' ''

JSON Response Example:



::: tab testnet
Request Example:

curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"secret":"flat entire admit review filter addict friend author ahead bullet wife bind"}' 'http://localhost:4096/api/delegates/forging/enable'

JSON Response Example:




2.4.9 Disable Forging for Delegate

API Endpoint: /api/delegates/forging/disable
Supported Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
secret string Y GNY account password
publicKey string N public key

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request Example:

curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"secret":"flat entire admit review filter addict friend author ahead bullet wife bind"}' ''

JSON Response Example:



::: tab testnet
Request Example:

curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"secret":"flat entire admit review filter addict friend author ahead bullet wife bind"}' 'http://localhost:4096/api/delegates/forging/disable'

JSON Response Example:




2.4.10 Check Delgate Forging Status

API Endpoint: /api/delegates/forging/status
Supported Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
publicKey string N public key of a delegate

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request Example:

curl -X GET ''

JSON Response Example (forging enabled):


JSON Response Example (forging disabled):



::: tab testnet
Request Example:

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/delegates/forging/status?publicKey=ff47c9e9bafcf28ae8528c2b259661ade96a3030ab73ddde82b52ee44c9122b5'

JSON Response Example (forging enabled):


JSON Response Example (forging disabled):




2.4.11 Return own Delegates Produced Blocks

API Endpoint: /api/delegates/ownProducedBlocks
Supported Format: urlencoded

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
publicKey string N public key of a delegate
address string N address of a delegate
username string N username of a delegate
limit integer N maximum number of produced blocks to return, between 0 and 100
offset integer N Offset, minimum 0

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
delegate JSON the detail information of this delegate
blocks Array a list of JSON objects containing block detail

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET ''

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "delegate": {
    "address": "GM5CevQY3brUyRtDMng5Co41nWHh",
    "username": "gny_d1",
    "tid": "4c1ff5bfa17873df950b81f371cd0c9273d87af97af148b215d2f24545e383b2",
    "publicKey": "0bcf038e0cb8cb61b72cb06f943afcca62094ad568276426a295ba8f550708a9",
    "votes": "0",
    "producedBlocks": "2",
    "missedBlocks": "0",
    "fees": "0",
    "rewards": "0",
    "_version_": 3,
    "rate": 97,
    "approval": "0",
    "productivity": "1"
  "blocks": [
      "id": "716bb19a164a648e51cdadb65abdaa23c694c4cc9c0b4a2d93fb514700a94e7a",
      "version": 0,
      "timestamp": 51573040,
      "height": "30",
      "prevBlockId": "8a7cd22f62a38479c289a20ab127b85c1c6c8051c94923cf7658a5b793324f4e",
      "count": 0,
      "fees": "0",
      "reward": "0",
      "payloadHash": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
      "delegate": "0bcf038e0cb8cb61b72cb06f943afcca62094ad568276426a295ba8f550708a9",
      "signature": "3f7f435bac597e613556aba202608f2a4cec3b0c669c560668842fbc175312732845f49d00417100ed58c3b54a21cfc52606cdd86791081b93203713d0a79e01",
      "_version_": 0
      "id": "e931f45694b3ebec04ef8c46862674b6794edfbb2864380645606127130e3375",
      "version": 0,
      "timestamp": 51574500,
      "height": "176",
      "prevBlockId": "c338eff51fb578ba608d2d652bcb8efabd69275e3857fda422bab34df88da9a9",
      "count": 0,
      "fees": "0",
      "reward": "0",
      "payloadHash": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
      "delegate": "0bcf038e0cb8cb61b72cb06f943afcca62094ad568276426a295ba8f550708a9",
      "signature": "2f58cc7c186639b447a33efc2111679e363a0cfbe82525e6c910b47722a397ac31e57538d8880392a4192056bee549ac48d81ca847b581f9aca53ba08d265908",
      "_version_": 0


::: tab testnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/delegates/ownProducedBlocks?username=gny_d1'

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "delegate": {
    "address": "GM5CevQY3brUyRtDMng5Co41nWHh",
    "username": "gny_d1",
    "tid": "4c1ff5bfa17873df950b81f371cd0c9273d87af97af148b215d2f24545e383b2",
    "publicKey": "0bcf038e0cb8cb61b72cb06f943afcca62094ad568276426a295ba8f550708a9",
    "votes": "0",
    "producedBlocks": "2",
    "missedBlocks": "0",
    "fees": "0",
    "rewards": "0",
    "_version_": 3,
    "rate": 97,
    "approval": "0",
    "productivity": "1"
  "blocks": [
      "id": "716bb19a164a648e51cdadb65abdaa23c694c4cc9c0b4a2d93fb514700a94e7a",
      "version": 0,
      "timestamp": 51573040,
      "height": "30",
      "prevBlockId": "8a7cd22f62a38479c289a20ab127b85c1c6c8051c94923cf7658a5b793324f4e",
      "count": 0,
      "fees": "0",
      "reward": "0",
      "payloadHash": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
      "delegate": "0bcf038e0cb8cb61b72cb06f943afcca62094ad568276426a295ba8f550708a9",
      "signature": "3f7f435bac597e613556aba202608f2a4cec3b0c669c560668842fbc175312732845f49d00417100ed58c3b54a21cfc52606cdd86791081b93203713d0a79e01",
      "_version_": 0
      "id": "e931f45694b3ebec04ef8c46862674b6794edfbb2864380645606127130e3375",
      "version": 0,
      "timestamp": 51574500,
      "height": "176",
      "prevBlockId": "c338eff51fb578ba608d2d652bcb8efabd69275e3857fda422bab34df88da9a9",
      "count": 0,
      "fees": "0",
      "reward": "0",
      "payloadHash": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
      "delegate": "0bcf038e0cb8cb61b72cb06f943afcca62094ad568276426a295ba8f550708a9",
      "signature": "2f58cc7c186639b447a33efc2111679e363a0cfbe82525e6c910b47722a397ac31e57538d8880392a4192056bee549ac48d81ca847b581f9aca53ba08d265908",
      "_version_": 0



2.5 Peers

2.5.1 Get all Peers’ Information in the Whole Network

API Endpoint: /api/peers
Supported Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description: none

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
peers Array a JSON array of peers’ information
count integer the number of currently running peers

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET ''

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "peers": [
      "id": {
        "id": "QmeDn2SETzxuENnAiynzWXjw78eDRiNLmwzNDtwb2XhVsi",
        "pubKey": "CAASpgIwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDo9QnqRUmrO3uAqyoAAnjmDB7+lCSA9a7tAKv0vsq0fnq0/espA70e7sJZSjmHqOpP5Jyse3pjezMfSsBR80vQJheb0dOwCsZu/dJ2kA0nuXRZwOd7ZUUsRUh5oj5NFBrY3tuScq/HtbXDqMs0MZdlKIBkEseTnF1rLZw8fhIiY3AFwlJFUCNGKyrk2rk6IvrwMWshyBkr+r1pPfGp6W46/fw5gwdvRTgxCvmqkQq35uncosBbV2+lAimvviTfT7NR6SuLdkAb5TqC0kh7XJV2eu44TtHwI/rTQw0lfCg/WnRKA+uFyedeg3BcTzqjdnhkxP8v7KAMnxi8Z/3q50jbAgMBAAE="
      "multiaddrs": [
      "simple": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 4097
      "id": {
        "id": "QmPiFnYYNeuYBxqzA77bPPrpJ8AaGJQujMVFXYJEGbpMRR",
        "pubKey": "CAASpgIwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDghE7wWvJxLW2KFTgfaBQ6Yh5hpSrxZqlOu/M4kWFcZ87S81053So92CCcTLdJPaE6mvip3/PTHpzzvfsiEhk7/1oTHDonKjbx44L39dqzvVht+q8LyU3XYo8qw6mJd4Ry69+89V1RmgJGdEtR+G2sBQxZ/m+subcHKfy6jvG2Zw8BkJdcyjlAXaH4mw9ZO5lkrN8E0aI32GwipVBu37Wts7ZYIcJxZ9zxGGVwNb7B8Utq2DVSpmqguM9M1DsBDJZ+yZg3vF435zLcmMS7eRLCB0PIXrZ5HPYsDKk/FMyF3sDy05xtGTUgF75L7zeMYxoEUg6BtgM9HV5T2cWtcDDXAgMBAAE="
      "multiaddrs": [
      "simple": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 4097
  "count": 2


::: tab testnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/peers'

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "peers": [
      "id": {
        "id": "QmeDn2SETzxuENnAiynzWXjw78eDRiNLmwzNDtwb2XhVsi",
        "pubKey": "CAASpgIwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDo9QnqRUmrO3uAqyoAAnjmDB7+lCSA9a7tAKv0vsq0fnq0/espA70e7sJZSjmHqOpP5Jyse3pjezMfSsBR80vQJheb0dOwCsZu/dJ2kA0nuXRZwOd7ZUUsRUh5oj5NFBrY3tuScq/HtbXDqMs0MZdlKIBkEseTnF1rLZw8fhIiY3AFwlJFUCNGKyrk2rk6IvrwMWshyBkr+r1pPfGp6W46/fw5gwdvRTgxCvmqkQq35uncosBbV2+lAimvviTfT7NR6SuLdkAb5TqC0kh7XJV2eu44TtHwI/rTQw0lfCg/WnRKA+uFyedeg3BcTzqjdnhkxP8v7KAMnxi8Z/3q50jbAgMBAAE="
      "multiaddrs": [
      "simple": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 4097
      "id": {
        "id": "QmPiFnYYNeuYBxqzA77bPPrpJ8AaGJQujMVFXYJEGbpMRR",
        "pubKey": "CAASpgIwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDghE7wWvJxLW2KFTgfaBQ6Yh5hpSrxZqlOu/M4kWFcZ87S81053So92CCcTLdJPaE6mvip3/PTHpzzvfsiEhk7/1oTHDonKjbx44L39dqzvVht+q8LyU3XYo8qw6mJd4Ry69+89V1RmgJGdEtR+G2sBQxZ/m+subcHKfy6jvG2Zw8BkJdcyjlAXaH4mw9ZO5lkrN8E0aI32GwipVBu37Wts7ZYIcJxZ9zxGGVwNb7B8Utq2DVSpmqguM9M1DsBDJZ+yZg3vF435zLcmMS7eRLCB0PIXrZ5HPYsDKk/FMyF3sDy05xtGTUgF75L7zeMYxoEUg6BtgM9HV5T2cWtcDDXAgMBAAE="
      "multiaddrs": [
      "simple": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 4097
  "count": 2



2.5.2 Get the Version of Peer

API Endpoint: /api/peers/version
Supported Format: none
Request Parameter Description: none

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
version string version number
build timestamp built time
net string either localnet, testnet or mainnet

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET ''

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "version": "1.0.5",
  "build": "Tue Jan 28 2020 12:44:42 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)",
  "net": "localnet"


::: tab testnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/peers/version'

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "version": "1.0.5",
  "build": "Tue Jan 28 2020 12:44:42 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)",
  "net": "localnet"



2.5.3 Get Node P2P Information

API Endpoint: /api/peers/version
Supported Format: none
Request Parameter Description: none

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
id string of peerId libp2p peer-id
multiaddrs string[] Array of multiaddrs strings which is used for p2p communcation
publicIp string own public ip
address string ip address on which the server is listening. Normal this is a private ip address

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET ''

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "id": "QmQbVdde9AeXSP3FoLyVNd3Fi3BjCe2tFyJV43bNWEBYSA",
  "multiaddrs": [
  "publicIp": "",
  "address": ""


::: tab testnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/peers/info'

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "id": "QmQbVdde9AeXSP3FoLyVNd3Fi3BjCe2tFyJV43bNWEBYSA",
  "multiaddrs": [
  "publicIp": "",
  "address": ""



2.6 Sync and Loader

2.6.1 Get the local blockchain loadig status

API Endpoint: /api/loader/status
Supported Format: none
Request Parameter Description: none

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
loaded bool
blocksCount integer
now integer

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET ''

JSON Response Example:



::: tab testnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/loader/status'

JSON Response Example:




2.6.2 Get the block syncing status

API Endpoint: /api/loader/status/sync
Supported Format: none
Request Parameter Description: none

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
height int block height

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET ''

JSON Response Example:



::: tab testnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/loader/status/sync'

JSON Response Example:




2.7 Transfers

2.6.1 Get the transfers

API Endpoint: /api/transfers/
Supported Format: none
Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
query.limit integer N the limitation of returned records,minimum:0,maximum:100
query.offset integer N offset, minimum 0
query.ownId string N GNY address, this will return all transfers where the ownId is the recipient or the sender
query.currency string N gny UIA Assets
query.senderId string N GNY address of sender
query.recipientId string N recipient’s GNY address

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
count string the number of transfers
transfers Array An array of transfers

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET ''

JSON Response Example:

  "count": 1,
  "transfers": [
    {"tid": "0b20e6bebe415f6112f47ffc59ec0d6a2119acc292a1bf1dd2d04140ba23633a",
    "senderId": "GiAefCner9PPTYs53XcYhfdLsCJ1",
    "recipientId": "GQSyZwU8RMZeNDJjitwBbxVCCwD8",
    "currency": "GNY",
    "amount": "999998500000000",
    "timestamp": 72634135,
    "height": "256896",
    "_version_": 1,
    "transaction": {
      "id": "0b20e6bebe415f6112f47ffc59ec0d6a2119acc292a1bf1dd2d04140ba23633a",
      "type": 0,
      "timestamp": 72634135,
      "senderId": "GiAefCner9PPTYs53XcYhfdLsCJ1",
      "senderPublicKey": "2d30669f98960a039d2a7a40f64883c7bd18706c9a06cba55f1bfa98611c1652",
      "fee": "10000000",
      "signatures": ["68c639064eb3dc2e31cc0aabcc46cd2a07b62e5071693630a5bca075f216fe24531d4a0e2570f950709c06efb7488c9edf104995a6ffe042f94f334f767e0b08"],
      "secondSignature": null,
      "args": "["999998500000000","GQSyZwU8RMZeNDJjitwBbxVCCwD8"]",
      "height": "256896",
      "message": "",
      "_version_": 1


::: tab testnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/transfers/'

JSON Response Example:

  "count": 1,
  "transfers": [
    {"tid": "0b20e6bebe415f6112f47ffc59ec0d6a2119acc292a1bf1dd2d04140ba23633a",
    "senderId": "GiAefCner9PPTYs53XcYhfdLsCJ1",
    "recipientId": "GQSyZwU8RMZeNDJjitwBbxVCCwD8",
    "currency": "GNY",
    "amount": "999998500000000",
    "timestamp": 72634135,
    "height": "256896",
    "_version_": 1,
    "transaction": {
      "id": "0b20e6bebe415f6112f47ffc59ec0d6a2119acc292a1bf1dd2d04140ba23633a",
      "type": 0,
      "timestamp": 72634135,
      "senderId": "GiAefCner9PPTYs53XcYhfdLsCJ1",
      "senderPublicKey": "2d30669f98960a039d2a7a40f64883c7bd18706c9a06cba55f1bfa98611c1652",
      "fee": "10000000",
      "signatures": ["68c639064eb3dc2e31cc0aabcc46cd2a07b62e5071693630a5bca075f216fe24531d4a0e2570f950709c06efb7488c9edf104995a6ffe042f94f334f767e0b08"],
      "secondSignature": null,
      "args": "["999998500000000","GQSyZwU8RMZeNDJjitwBbxVCCwD8"]",
      "height": "256896",
      "message": "",
      "_version_": 1



2.6.2 Get the total amount of transfers

API Endpoint: /api/transfers/amount
Supported Format: none
Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
startTimestamp string Y start timestamp
endTimestamp string Y end timestamp

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
count string the number of transfers
strTotalAmount string the total amout of transfers

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET ''

JSON Response Example:

  "count": 43,
  "strTotalAmount": "87709270370000000"


::: tab testnet
Request Example:

curl -k -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/transfers/amount'

JSON Response Example:

  "count": 43,
  "strTotalAmount": "87709270370000000"



2.11 User Defined Asset UIA

2.11.1 Get all publishers

API Endpoint: /api/uia/issuers
Format: urlencoded

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
limit integer N maximum number of records to return, between 0 and 100
offset integer N Offset, minimum 0

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success boolean Whether operation was successful
issuers Array Array of publishers
count integer Total number of publishers

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request example:

curl -X GET ''

JSON Response:

      "desc":""some description"",


::: tab testnet
Request example:

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/uia/issuers?offset=0&limit=2'

JSON Response:

      "desc":""some description"",



2.11.2 Query information about a publisher by name

API Endpoint: /api/uia/issuers/:name|address
Format: urlencoded

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
publisherName string Y Can be GNY publisher name
address string Y Can be the GNY account address

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success boolean Whether operation was successful
issuers JSON Contains the publisher name, description and id (GNY address)

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request example (publisher name):

curl -X GET ''

Request example (publisher address):

curl -X GET ''

JSON Response:

    "desc":""some description"",


::: tab testnet
Request example (publisher name):

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/uia/issuers/AAA'

Request example (publisher address):

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/uia/issuers/G4GDW6G78sgQdSdVAQUXdm5xPS13t'

JSON Response:

    "desc":""some description"",



2.11.3 View assets of a specified publisher

API Endpoint: /api/uia/issuers/:publisherName/assets
Format: urlencoded

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
limit integer N maximum number of records to return, between 0 and 100
offset integer N Offset, minimum 0

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success boolean Whether operation was successful
assets Array Array of assets
count interger The total number of assets registered by the publisher

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request example:

curl -X GET ''

JSON Response:

    "desc":"some description",


::: tab testnet
Request example:

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/uia/issuers/AAA/assets/'

JSON Response:

    "desc":"some description",



2.11.4 Get all assets

API Endpoint: /api/uia/assets
Format: urlencoded

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
limit integer N maximum number of records to return, between 0 and 100
offset integer N Offset, minimum 0

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success boolean Whether operation was successful
assets Array Array of assets
count integer Number of all assets

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request example:

curl -X GET ''

JSON Response:

    "desc":"some description",


::: tab testnet
Request example:

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/uia/assets?offset=0&limit=2'

JSON Response:

    "desc":"some description",



2.11.5 Get specified asset information

API Endpoint: /api/uia/assets/:name
Format: urlencoded

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
name string Y Asset name

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success boolean Whether operation was successful
assets JSON Contains asset name, description, cap, precision, current circulation, issue height, publisher id

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request example:

curl -X GET ''

JSON Response:

    "desc":"some description",


::: tab testnet
Request example:

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/uia/assets/AAA.BBB'

JSON Response:

    "desc":"some description",



2.11.6 Get the balance of all UIA Assets for an account

API Endpoint: /api/uia/balances/:address
Format: urlencoded

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
address string Y GNY account address
limit integer N maximum number of records to return, between 0 and 100
offset integer N Offset, minimum 0

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success boolean Whether operation was successful
balances Array Asset array, details owned, each element is an asset, including asset name, balance, cap, precision, current circulation, whether to cancel (0: not cancelled, 1: cancelled)
count integer The number of assets currently owned by this address

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request example:

curl -X GET ''

JSON Response:



::: tab testnet
Request example:

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/uia/balances/G4GDW6G78sgQdSdVAQUXdm5xPS13t'

JSON Response:




2.11.7 Get balance of a specific UIA Asset for an account

API Endpoint: /api/uia/balances/:address/:currency
Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description: none

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success boolean Whether operation was successful

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request example:

curl -X GET ''

JSON Response:



::: tab testnet
Request example:

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/uia/balances/G4GDW6G78sgQdSdVAQUXdm5xPS13t/AAA.BBB'

JSON Response:




2.11.8 Get holders of a specific UIA Asset

API Endpoint: /api/uia/holders/:currency
Format: urlencoded
Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
currency string Y a specific UIA Asset
limit integer N maximum number of records to return, between 0 and 100
offset integer N Offset, minimum 0

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success boolean Whether operation was successful
holders Array Asset array, each element is an asset holder, including address, balance, currency
count integer The number of holders owning this asset

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
Request example:

curl -X GET ''

JSON Response:



::: tab testnet
Request example:

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:4096/api/uia/holders/AAA.BBB'

JSON Response:




2.9 Initiate Transactions

2.9.1 Overview

In order to send transactions you need set the magic header:

:::: tabs

::: tab mainnet
curl example:

curl -X POST --header "magic: e6a8a4cd"

axios (JavaScript example)

const exampleUrl = "";

const data = {
  transaction: someTransaction

const config = {
  headers: {
    magic: "e6a8a4cd"

await, data, config);


::: tab testnet
curl example:

curl -X POST --header "magic: 594fe0f3"

axios (JavaScript example)

const exampleUrl = "http://localhost:4096/peer/transactions";

const data = {
  transaction: someTransaction

const config = {
  headers: {
    magic: "594fe0f3"

await, data, config);



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