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Endpoints for Exchange use
Exchange Endpoints
The following endpoints are exclusively for Exchanges. These endpoints are not reachable on default – they need to be enabled first. The Exchange endpoints work with plain text secrets
. This is normally not recommended for node operators, because a malicious Blockchain nodes could log users secrets
and steal all assets.
Enable Exchange Endpoints
::: warning IMPORTANT
To enable the Exchange endpoints (/api/exchange
) start the GNY Blockchain with the environment variable EXCHANGE_API=true
Adapt your docker-compose.yml
file and pass the environment variable to the GNY Blockchain:
version: "3.3"
# db1 service omitted
# other keys ommitted
- EXCHANGE_API=true # this activates the /api/exchange endpoints
1 Exchange Endpoints
1.1 Send unsigned Transaction
Interface Address: /api/exchange
Request Method: PUT
Supported Format: JSON
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
secret | string | Y | GNY account password |
secondSecret | string | N | sender’s second password (must fit the BIP39 standard), the length should be between 1 and 100 |
fee | string | Y | the fee you want to pay, there are minimums depending on the contract you are using |
type | number | Y | the contract type. This is an integer |
args | Array | Y | the arguments with which the contract should be invoked |
message | string | N | optional message, max length 256 characters |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | true: response data return successfully |
transactionId | string | transaction id |
Request Example:
curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"secret":"grow pencil ten junk bomb right describe trade rich valid tuna service", "type":0, "args":[100000000,"G4GDW6G78sgQdSdVAQUXdm5xPS13t"], "fee": "10000000"}' 'http://localhost:4096/api/exchange/'
JSON Response Example:
"success": true,
"transactionId": "638d7754c226df313b1475c29d57d3e8bed379c3010f17182e864b06b3c33d75"
1.2 Open Account with Secret
Interface Address: /api/exchange/openAccount
Request Method: POST
Supported Format: JSON
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
secret | string | Y | gny account password |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | Whether login is successful |
account | json | Account information |
Request Example:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -k -d '{"secret":"fault still attack alley expand music basket purse later educate follow ride"}' http://localhost:4096/api/exchange/openAccount/
JSON Response Example:
"account": {
"address": "G2QEzc5BndQ2h6BsSNqimCWbSBV9L",
"balance": "20000000000",
"secondPublicKey": null,
"lockHeight": "0",
"lockAmount": "0",
"isDelegate": 0,
"username": null,
"publicKey": "a87c7230d9ade987dbf612605aab652667e6303d2a1c6b2ec91a13733593bb75"
"latestBlock": {
"height": 53,
"timestamp": 3471490
"version": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"build": "Sun Feb 02 2020 19:42:18 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)",
"net": "testnet"
1.3 Generate Account
Interface Address: /api/exchange/generateAccount
Request Method: POST
Supported Format: JSON
Request Parameter Description: None
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | Whether operation was successful |
secret | string | GNY account secret |
publicKey | string | publicKey of GNY account |
privateKey | string | privateKey of GNY account |
address | string | address of GNY account |
Request Example:
curl -X POST "http://localhost:4096/api/exchange/generateAccount/"
JSON Response Example:
"success": true,
"secret": "strategy vicious bar rude flee myself current brief million dress view square",
"publicKey": "92f969f2fda2080777e18b7e2dc4ab75eec4e802534befeba9f8b38fe6f3470c",
"privateKey": "fd78f7cb6746e029d8d1b307c179bbdd77774c561d036b6a3c799987c4de276592f969f2fda2080777e18b7e2dc4ab75eec4e802534befeba9f8b38fe6f3470c",
"address": "G3up2HLLTbSMZ7JSPfqAw7Se4SRxX"
1.4 Generate PublicKey from secret
Interface Address: /api/exchange/generatePublicKey
Request Method: POST
Supported Format: json
Request Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
secret | string | Y | gny account secret |
Response Parameter Description:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | Whether login is successful |
publicKey | string | publicKey of GNY account |
Request Example:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -k -d '{"secret":"uncover gentle depend any sponsor service vast sock balance pole tilt hint"}' http://localhost:4096/api/exchange/generatePublicKey/
JSON Response Example:
"success": true,
"publicKey": "eafa6d559bf3121de489ab792dc6e5c36a5a85955f4a8bcd8508df7a43215572"