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How to use the GNY Command Line Interface


::: tip
Type gny-cli [command] <parameter> in your command line to invoke the commands.


  • [command] -> optional. If we have a paremter --username [username] then --username is correct and --username xpgeng is also correct.
  • <parameter> -> mandatory. If we have a parameter --username <username> this means that for <username> a string must be substituted. This would be correct: --username liang. This would be wrong --username

Account API

Open account

gny-cli openaccount <publicKey>

open your account and get the infomation by publicKey

Name Type Required Description
publicKey string N gny account publicKey

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool Whether login is successful
account json Account information

JSON Response Example:

  "account": {
    "address": "G2QEzc5BndQ2h6BsSNqimCWbSBV9L",
    "balance": "20000000000",
    "secondPublicKey": null,
    "lockHeight": "0",
    "lockAmount": "0",
    "isDelegate": 0,
    "username": null,
    "publicKey": "a87c7230d9ade987dbf612605aab652667e6303d2a1c6b2ec91a13733593bb75"
  "latestBlock": {
    "height": 53,
    "timestamp": 3471490
  "version": {
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "build": "Sun Feb 02 2020 19:42:18 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)",
    "net": "testnet"

Get balance

gny-cli getbalance <address>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
address string Y Client’s address

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool Whether request is successful
count integer the number of balances owned by this address
balances Array balance list of GNY

JSON Response Example:

  "count": 1,
  "balances": [
      "gny": "400000000000"

Get the account by address

gny-cli getaccountbyaddress <address>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
address string Y Client’s address

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool whether response data can be returned
account json account information
latestBlock json latest block information
version json version information

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "account": {
    "address": "G3dGrHJfmZUFhAiYqytdrMG6rL4Lh",
    "balance": "69420000000",
    "secondPublicKey": null,
    "lockHeight": "3728000",
    "isDelegate": 1,
    "username": "hello",
    "publicKey": null
  "latestBlock": {
    "height": "158644",
    "timestamp": 39368870
  "version": {
    "version": "1.0.7",
    "build": "Fri Jan 31 2020 16:11:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)",
    "net": "localnet"

Get account by username

gny-cli getaccountbyusername <username>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
username string Y Client username

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool whether response data can be returned
account json account information
latestBlock json latest block information
version json version information

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "address": "G3dGrHJfmZUFhAiYqytdrMG6rL4Lh",
  "username": "hello",
  "gny": "69420000000",
  "publicKey": null,
  "secondPublicKey": null,
  "isDelegate": 1,
  "isLocked": 1,
  "lockHeight": "3728000",
  "lockAmount": "60000000",
  "_version_": 15

Count the number of accounts

gny-cli countaccounts

Request Parameter Description: none
Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
count number the total number of accounts

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "count": 138

Get voted delegates

gny-cli getvoteddelegates -u <username> -a <address>

gny-cli getvoteddelegates --username <username> --address <address>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
address string Y Client’s address
username string Y Client username

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
delegates Array A list of (currently forging) delegates for which this account has voted for

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "delegates": [
      "username": "wgl_002",
      "address": "GJX8DYKb7mF3M6JCUhBqYnLiha6y",
      "publicKey": "ae256559d06409435c04bd62628b3e7ea3894c43298556f52b1cfb01fb3e3dc7",
      "vote": 9901985415600500,
      "producedblocks": "1373",
      "missedblocks": "6",
      "rate": "1",
      "approval": "98.54",
      "productivity": "99.56"
      "username": "wgl_003",
      "address": "G318FKKb7mF3M6JCUhBqYnLiha6y",
      "publicKey": "c292db6ea14d518bc29e37cb227ff260be21e2e164ca575028835a1f499e4fe2",
      "vote": 9891995435600500,
      "producedblocks": "1371",
      "missedblocks": "8",
      "rate": "2",
      "approval": "98.44",
      "productivity": "99.41"
      "username": "wgl_001",
      "address": "1869971419039689816",
      "publicKey": "c547df2dde6cbb4508aabcb5970d8f9132e5a1d1c422632da6bc20bf1df165b8",
      "vote": 32401577128413,
      "producedblocks": "969",
      "missedblocks": "8",
      "rate": 102,
      "approval": "0.32",
      "productivity": "0"

Get publicKey by address

gny-cli getpublickey <address>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
address string Y Client’s address, minimum length:1

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
publicKey string public key

Generate publicKey by secret

gny-cli genpublickey <secret>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
secret string Y gny account password

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
publicKey string public key

Generate Account

gny-cli genaccount

Request Parameter Description: none
Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool Whether request is successful
address string Client’s address
secret string gny account password
privateKey string gny account private key
publicKey string gny account public key

JSON Response Example:

  "address": "G318FKKb7mF3M6JCUhBqYnLiha6y",
  "secret": "carpet pudding topple genuine relax rally problem before pill gun nation method",
  "publicKey": "c292db6ea14d518bc29e37cb227ff260be21e2e164ca575028835a1f499e4fe2",
  "privateKey": "c68434b960ef024b2a868118be7641be25e566f720a5eb12ff314022629ccc71575bf8f32b941b9e6ae1af82539689198327b73d77d22a98cdef2460c9257f7b"

Get balance by address and currency

gny-cli getbalancebyaddresscurrency -a <address> -c <currency>

gny-cli getbalancebyaddresscurrency --address <address> --currency <currency>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
address string Y Client’s address
currency string Y currency

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
balance integer balance

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "balance": "0"

Block API

Get block height

gny-cli getheight

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
height string block height

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "height": "140569"

Get block by height

gny-cli getblockbyheight <height>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
height string Y block height

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
block json the block detail information

Get block by id

gny-cli getblockbyid <id>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
id string Y block id

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
block json the block detail information

JSON Response Example:

  "block": {
    "version": 0,
    "payloadHash": "3d2215b8d226b5a38ace219d0ab3f4d84830fd54a832dc05540e20ef81a00547",
    "timestamp": 0,
    "delegate": "61ca23509390845f06ccaa43384e889074dfd0c821e4ba3894f8e62b6a31895a",
    "height": "0",
    "count": 203,
    "fees": "0",
    "reward": "0",
    "signature": "d49b0d08b164c8df402dc1f24430d51126a05a9d1c4012fbdf89272ab95740454b11fd4b44dbf7c60d4757760d8015146433ae21e2e418fd0d7b3aa03adc5503",
    "id": "fed53e3ad0a1405f73122708ee53dfed2e9eccc34693d52043bdb6aec4751a8c"

Get blocks

gny-cli getblocks [-o <offset>] [-l <limit>] [-s <height:asc | height:desc>] [-t]

gny-cli getblocks [--offset <offset>] [--limit <limit>] [--sort <height:asc | height:desc>] [--transactions]

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
limit integer N maximum number of returned records, between 0 and 100
offset integer N default is 0
orderBy string N sort height property, default is height:asc. Specify height:desc to sort by height descending
transactions boolean N When --transactions switch is used then the transactions property will be added to each block

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
blocks Array a list of JSON objects containing block detail
count integer number of blocks overall

JSON Response Example:

  "count": 56,
  "blocks": [
      "version": 0,
      "delegate": "ee9191dff690c0a5b74bba5ab4bddeff60042154d66f2d5c7111123ae8cb4396",
      "height": "55",
      "prevBlockId": "f8d9d54ab0fbbeec1063472a9296e24e8336866de3b0ad5d514fd92ddc73b539",
      "timestamp": 3621850,
      "count": 0,
      "fees": "0",
      "payloadHash": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
      "reward": "0",
      "signature": "81b0090adc75346c8985ebe2c6341ba36eeb4b48a2a66ec69b701d55e35577f0dbdd5a633627098a7a64cb81dd1a9d6fbf13f7c0983fd162f46ef12c5468840f",
      "id": "e70c0b569ca877d262dadcd1967a02427a9996d8c189ee32b7c8bcff7fa3cff2"
      "version": 0,
      "delegate": "adc2fdf3174278b2d88f9a37d795fb720ab7530f72367e0aae863143b4b90259",
      "height": "54",
      "prevBlockId": "c3e75c7862a7cbe7f1933837704700bd158c2bd9fc6d1228327323003a0cdd15",
      "timestamp": 3620770,
      "count": 0,
      "fees": "0",
      "payloadHash": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
      "reward": "0",
      "signature": "a17bf15385b65dd84e94a7be6ccd635dc291f63b8128dd4951f7544fafa0632fc281e70dd597ae2770b228bdb581fd182f98fda7dc4a2d82cf8e94ff344ef604",
      "id": "f8d9d54ab0fbbeec1063472a9296e24e8336866de3b0ad5d514fd92ddc73b539"

Get milestone of last block

gny-cli getmilestone

Request Parameter Description: none
Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
milestone number shows milestone of the last Block (the Block with the highest height)

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "milestone": 0

Get current maximum supply of the blockchain

gny-cli getsupply

Request Parameter Description: none

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
supply string the total amount of GNY in the whole network

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "supply": "10000000000000000"

Get current status of blockchain

gny-cli getstatus

Request Parameter Description: none

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
height string blockchain height
fee string transaction fee
milestone number
reward number block reward
supply string total amount of GNY in the whole network

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "height": "158514",
  "fee": "10000000",
  "milestone": 0,
  "reward": 200000000,
  "supply": "40031271000000000"

Get block bytes

gny-cli getblockbytes -f <file>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
file string Y block file path

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
blockbytes string the block bytes

Get block id

gny-cli getblockid -f <file>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
file string Y block file path

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
id string the block id

Get block payload hash

gny-cli getblockpayloadhash -f <file>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
file string Y block file path

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
payloadHash string the block payload hash


Count the number of delegates

gny-cli getdelegatescount

Request Parameter Description: none

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
count integer total number of delegates

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "count": 234

Get the voters by username

gny-cli getvoters <username>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
username string Y username of the delegate

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success boolean Whether operation was successful
accounts Array a JSON object list of account

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "accounts": [
      "address": "G3dGrHJfmZUFhAiYqytdrMG6rL4Lh",
      "username": "hello",
      "gny": "69420000000",
      "publicKey": null,
      "secondPublicKey": null,
      "isDelegate": 1,
      "isLocked": 1,
      "lockHeight": "3728000",
      "lockAmount": "60000000",
      "_version_": 15,
      "balance": "69420000000",
      "weightRatio": "0.00000014989341154452"

Get delegate by public key

gny-cli getdelegatebypublickey <publicKey>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
publickey string Y delegate’s public key

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success boolean Whether operation was successful
delegate JSON the detail information of this delegate

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "delegate": {
    "address": "G3dGrHJfmZUFhAiYqytdrMG6rL4Lh",
    "username": "hello",
    "tid": "a337fdde7850894130e69c446d849115c02f5bc1322104a94de00c4733a5a0eb",
    "publicKey": "0a1e7a145532a20b60d3d043b48baf6a3f794c8a32f5b7ed86ed09f89642e9ed",
    "votes": "60000000",
    "producedBlocks": "0",
    "missedBlocks": "361",
    "fees": "0",
    "rewards": "0",
    "_version_": 363,
    "rate": 1,
    "approval": "0.000000149882805885",
    "productivity": "99.99"

Get delegate by user name

gny-cli getdelegatebyusername <username>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
username string Y delegate’s user name

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success boolean Whether operation was successful
delegate JSON the detail information of this delegate

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "delegate": {
    "address": "G3dGrHJfmZUFhAiYqytdrMG6rL4Lh",
    "username": "hello",
    "tid": "a337fdde7850894130e69c446d849115c02f5bc1322104a94de00c4733a5a0eb",
    "publicKey": "0a1e7a145532a20b60d3d043b48baf6a3f794c8a32f5b7ed86ed09f89642e9ed",
    "votes": "60000000",
    "producedBlocks": "0",
    "missedBlocks": "222",
    "fees": "0",
    "rewards": "0",
    "_version_": 224,
    "rate": 1,
    "approval": "0.000000149893349383",
    "productivity": "99.99"

Get delegate by address

gny-cli getdelegatebyaddress <address>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
address string Y delegate’s address

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success boolean Whether operation was successful
delegate JSON the detail information of this delegate

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "delegate": {
    "address": "G3dGrHJfmZUFhAiYqytdrMG6rL4Lh",
    "username": "hello",
    "tid": "a337fdde7850894130e69c446d849115c02f5bc1322104a94de00c4733a5a0eb",
    "publicKey": "0a1e7a145532a20b60d3d043b48baf6a3f794c8a32f5b7ed86ed09f89642e9ed",
    "votes": "60000000",
    "producedBlocks": "0",
    "missedBlocks": "361",
    "fees": "0",
    "rewards": "0",
    "_version_": 363,
    "rate": 1,
    "approval": "0.00000014988279615",
    "productivity": "99.99"

Get the list of Delegates

gny-cli getdelegates [-o <offset>] [-l <limit>]

gny-cli getdelegates [--offset <offset>] [--limit <limit>]

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
offset int N maximum return records
limit integer N offset, minimum: 0

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
delegates Array a list containing delegates’ detail information
totalCount number How many delegates exist overall?

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "totalCount": 103,
  "delegates": [
      "address": "G3dGrHJfmZUFhAiYqytdrMG6rL4Lh",
      "username": "hello",
      "tid": "a337fdde7850894130e69c446d849115c02f5bc1322104a94de00c4733a5a0eb",
      "publicKey": "0a1e7a145532a20b60d3d043b48baf6a3f794c8a32f5b7ed86ed09f89642e9ed",
      "votes": "60000000",
      "producedBlocks": "0",
      "missedBlocks": "361",
      "fees": "0",
      "rewards": "0",
      "_version_": 363,
      "rate": 1,
      "approval": "0.000000149882784917",
      "productivity": "99.99"
      "address": "G3yguB3tazFf6bia3CU1RjXtv2iV6",
      "tid": "ce6fced7d207e7e55f92a3b68a2394f34b2404cba5c35ea31bf80d2bc871efd5",
      "username": "gny_d72",
      "publicKey": "feda901bb63e494e2f30865734e40aa0464f59f2a526a61648c86ba2faf1a952",
      "votes": "0",
      "producedBlocks": "1592",
      "missedBlocks": "0",
      "fees": "247623722",
      "rewards": "313520792052",
      "_version_": 3162,
      "rate": 2,
      "approval": "0",
      "productivity": "100.00"


The following Exchange options are only unlocked for exchanges. This will not work for ordinary nodes

Open your account and get the infomation by secret

gny-cli openaccountwithsecret <secret>

open your account and get the infomation by secret

Name Type Required Description
secret string N gny account secret

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool Whether login is successful
account json Account information

JSON Response Example:

  "account": {
    "address": "G2QEzc5BndQ2h6BsSNqimCWbSBV9L",
    "balance": "20000000000",
    "secondPublicKey": null,
    "lockHeight": "0",
    "lockAmount": "0",
    "isDelegate": 0,
    "username": null,
    "publicKey": "a87c7230d9ade987dbf612605aab652667e6303d2a1c6b2ec91a13733593bb75"
  "latestBlock": {
    "height": 53,
    "timestamp": 3471490
  "version": {
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "build": "Sun Feb 02 2020 19:42:18 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)",
    "net": "testnet"

Generate public key with secret

gny-cli genpublickey <secret>

open your account and get the infomation by secret

Name Type Required Description
secret string N gny account secret

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
publicKey string gny account publicKey

Generate accounts

gny-cli genaccount

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
accounts Array account array


Get peers

gny-cli getpeers

Request Parameter Description: none

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
peers Array a JSON array of peers’ information
count integer the number of currently running peers

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "peers": [
      "id": {
        "id": "QmeDn2SETzxuENnAiynzWXjw78eDRiNLmwzNDtwb2XhVsi",
        "pubKey": "CAASpgIwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDo9QnqRUmrO3uAqyoAAnjmDB7+lCSA9a7tAKv0vsq0fnq0/espA70e7sJZSjmHqOpP5Jyse3pjezMfSsBR80vQJheb0dOwCsZu/dJ2kA0nuXRZwOd7ZUUsRUh5oj5NFBrY3tuScq/HtbXDqMs0MZdlKIBkEseTnF1rLZw8fhIiY3AFwlJFUCNGKyrk2rk6IvrwMWshyBkr+r1pPfGp6W46/fw5gwdvRTgxCvmqkQq35uncosBbV2+lAimvviTfT7NR6SuLdkAb5TqC0kh7XJV2eu44TtHwI/rTQw0lfCg/WnRKA+uFyedeg3BcTzqjdnhkxP8v7KAMnxi8Z/3q50jbAgMBAAE="
      "multiaddrs": [
      "simple": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 4097
      "id": {
        "id": "QmPiFnYYNeuYBxqzA77bPPrpJ8AaGJQujMVFXYJEGbpMRR",
        "pubKey": "CAASpgIwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDghE7wWvJxLW2KFTgfaBQ6Yh5hpSrxZqlOu/M4kWFcZ87S81053So92CCcTLdJPaE6mvip3/PTHpzzvfsiEhk7/1oTHDonKjbx44L39dqzvVht+q8LyU3XYo8qw6mJd4Ry69+89V1RmgJGdEtR+G2sBQxZ/m+subcHKfy6jvG2Zw8BkJdcyjlAXaH4mw9ZO5lkrN8E0aI32GwipVBu37Wts7ZYIcJxZ9zxGGVwNb7B8Utq2DVSpmqguM9M1DsBDJZ+yZg3vF435zLcmMS7eRLCB0PIXrZ5HPYsDKk/FMyF3sDy05xtGTUgF75L7zeMYxoEUg6BtgM9HV5T2cWtcDDXAgMBAAE="
      "multiaddrs": [
      "simple": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 4097
  "count": 2

Get version

gny-cli getversion

Request Parameter Description: none

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
version string version number
build timestamp built time
net string either localnet, testnet or mainnet

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "version": "1.0.5",
  "build": "Tue Jan 28 2020 12:44:42 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)",
  "net": "localnet"

Get info

gny-cli getinfo

Request Parameter Description: none

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
id string of peerId libp2p peer-id
multiaddrs string[] Array of multiaddrs strings which is used for p2p communcation
publicIp string own public ip
address string ip address on which the server is listening. Normal this is a private ip address

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "id": "QmQbVdde9AeXSP3FoLyVNd3Fi3BjCe2tFyJV43bNWEBYSA",
  "multiaddrs": [
  "publicIp": "",
  "address": ""


Get version

gny-cli getsysteminfo

Request Parameter Description: none

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
os string Operating system information
version string Version of blockchain
timestamp string the time right now
lastBlock json Basic information about last block


Get transactions

gny-cli gettransactions [-l <limit>] [-o <offset>] [-i <id>] [--senderId <senderId>] [--senderPublicKey <senderPublicKey>] [-b <blockId>] [-h <height>] [-t <type>] [-m <message>]

gny-cli gettransactions [--limit <limit>] [--offset <offset>] [--id <id>] [--senderId <senderId>] [--senderPublicKey <senderPublicKey>] [--blockId <blockId>] [--height <height>] [--type <type>] [--message <message>]

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
limit integer N the limitation of returned records, minimum:0,maximum: 100
offset integer N offset, minimum 0
id string N transaction id
senderId N GNY address of sender
senderPublicKey string N sender’s public key
blockId string N block id
height integer specific block height
type interger N Transaction type, see for futher information
message string Transaction message

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
transactions Array A JSON object list containing multiple transactions’ detail
count int the total number of retrieved transactions

JSON Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "count": 1,
  "transactions": [
      "transactionId": "42254052d4bc1e1132c316469194e6b756a6c0f086a24b00c05a91ced5502046",
      "senderId": "G25AKCRu8mK2b4QXq8Jk8bFiNfxeY",
      "recipientId": "G2MdtJJPCWTFGZ75QoP7Z5KowRhst",
      "recipientName": null,
      "currency": "gny",
      "amount": "10000000000000000",
      "timestamp": 0,
      "height": "0",
      "_version_": 1

Get unconfirmed transactions

gny-cli getunconfirmedtransactions [-k <senderPublicKey>] [-a <address>]

gny-cli getunconfirmedtransactions [--key <senderPublicKey>] [--address <address>]

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
publicKey string N returns the unconfirmed Transaction where the senderPublicKey of the unconfiremd transaction matches the provided publicKey argument
address string N returns the unconfirmed Transaction where the senderId of the unconfirmed transaction matches the provided address argument

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
transactions json unconfirmed transaction detail inforamtion

JSON Response Example:

    "transactionId": "42254052d4bc1e1132c316469194e6b756a6c0f086a24b00c05a91ced5502046",
    "senderId": "G25AKCRu8mK2b4QXq8Jk8bFiNfxeY",
    "recipientId": "G2MdtJJPCWTFGZ75QoP7Z5KowRhst",
    "recipientName": null,
    "currency": "gny",
    "amount": "10000000000000000",
    "timestamp": 0,
    "height": 0,
    "_version_": 1

Get unconfirmed transaction by transaction id

gny-cli getunconfirmedtransaction <id>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
id string Y unconfirmed transaction id

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
transaction json unconfirmed transaction detail inforamtion

Send money (contract)

Prize: 0.1 GNY

gny-cli sendmoney -e <secret> -a <amount> -r <recipientId> [-m <message>] [-s <secondSecret>]

gny-cli sendmoney --secret <secret> --amount <amount> --recipient <recipientId> [--message <message>] [--secondSecret <secondSecret>]
Name Type Required Description
secret string Y GNY account password
amount integer Y amount, between 1 and 10000000000000000
recipientId string Y recipient’s address, minimum:1
message string N message with the transaction
secondSecret string N sender’s second password (must fit the BIP39 standard), the length should be between 1 and 100

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
transactionId string transaction id

Get transaction bytes

gny-cli gettransactionbytes -f <file>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
file string Y transaction file path

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
transactionbytes string the transaction bytes

Get transaction id

gny-cli gettransactionid -f <file>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
file string Y transaction file path

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
transactionId string the transaction id

Verify transaction bytes

gny-cli verifybytes -b <bytes> -s <signature> -p <publicKey>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
bytes string Y transaction bytes
signature string Y transaction or block signature
publicKey string Y signer public key

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
resule boolean true: verified successfully

Send transaction with fee

gny-cli transaction -e <secret> -t <type> -a <args> -m <message> -f <fee> [-m <message>] [-s <secondSecret>]

gny-cli transaction --secret <secret> --type <type> --args <args> --fee <fee> [--message <message>] [--secondSecret <secret>]

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
secret string Y GNY account password
type number Y transaction type
args Array Y array of arguments for contract
fee string Y transaction fee
message string N message with the transaction
secondSecret string N sender’s second password (only if previously set)

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
transactionId string transaction id

User Defined Asset UIA

Get all publishers

gny-cli getissuers [-o <offset>] [-l <limit>]

gny-cli getissuers [--offset <offset>] [--limit <limit>]

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
limit number N maximum number of records to return, between 0 and 100
offset number N Offset, minimum 0

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success boolean true: response data return successfully
issues Array Array of publishers
count number Total number of publishers

JSON Response:

  "count": 1,
  "issues": [
      "tid": "279ee5d155f25bd5eb7f09b63a6e096b89e22ff70b5b8a9858cfd19dc21149d3",
      "name": "AAA",
      "issuerId": "G4GDW6G78sgQdSdVAQUXdm5xPS13t",
      "desc": ""some description"",
      "_version_": 1

Check if the address is a publisher

gny-cli isissuer <address>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
address string Y Can be the GNY account address

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success boolean true: response data return successfully
isIssuer boolean true: the address is an issuer
issuerName string the publisher name

JSON Response:

  "success": true,
  "isIssuer": true,
  "issuerName": "AAA"
  "success": true,
  "isIssuer": false

Query information about a publisher

gny-cli getissuer <name or address>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
publisherName or address string Y Can be GNY publisher name or address

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success boolean Whether operation was successful
issuer JSON Contains the publisher name, description and id (GNY address)

JSON Response:

  "issuer": {
    "tid": "c194bf2d4ccb1d07829f161165b307332d91a14f44a71a7a99a28dea8154e524",
    "name": "AAA",
    "issuerId": "G4GDW6G78sgQdSdVAQUXdm5xPS13t",
    "desc": ""some description"",
    "_version_": 1

View assets of a specified publisher

gny-cli getissuerassets <name>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
name string Y Can be GNY publisher name
limit integer N maximum number of records to return, between 0 and 100
offset integer N Offset, minimum 0

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success boolean true: response data return successfully
assets Array Array of assets
count interger The total number of assets registered by the publisher

JSON Response:

  "count": 1,
  "assets": [
      "tid": "4316b799601e15831bbd8514862e61b6b67754b8971938f90025723d1be9eb67",
      "name": "AAA.BBB",
      "timestamp": 3714160,
      "maximum": "1000000000",
      "precision": 8,
      "quantity": "500000000",
      "desc": "some description",
      "issuerId": "G4GDW6G78sgQdSdVAQUXdm5xPS13t",
      "_version_": 2

Get all assets

gny-cli getassets [-o <offset>] [-l <limit>]

gny-cli getassets [--offset <offset>] [--limit <limit>]

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
limit integer N maximum number of records to return, between 0 and 100
offset integer N Offset, minimum 0

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success boolean true: response data return successfully
assets Array Array of assets
count integer Number of all assets

JSON Response:

  "count": 1,
  "assets": [
      "tid": "44fd0eff16f2a39be263a3b77f34145c7039b16790265feef74c52538eff9cde",
      "name": "AAA.BBB",
      "timestamp": 3714682,
      "maximum": "1000000000",
      "precision": 8,
      "quantity": "500000000",
      "desc": "some description",
      "issuerId": "G4GDW6G78sgQdSdVAQUXdm5xPS13t",
      "_version_": 2

Get specified asset information

gny-cli getasset <name>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
name string Y Asset name

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success boolean true: response data return successfully
asset JSON Contains asset name, description, cap, precision, current circulation, issue height, publisher id

JSON Response:

  "asset": {
    "tid": "92bf426d9a517a35ac6a63ef210d0f062f5195b636f35878e949e7581355d5b8",
    "name": "AAA.BBB",
    "timestamp": 3717011,
    "maximum": "1000000000",
    "precision": 8,
    "quantity": "500000000",
    "desc": "some description",
    "issuerId": "G4GDW6G78sgQdSdVAQUXdm5xPS13t",
    "_version_": 2

Get the balance of all UIA Assets for an account

gny-cli getbalances -a <address> [-l <limit>] [-o <offset>]

gny-cli getbalances --adress <address> [--limit <limit>] [--offset <offset>]

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
address string Y GNY account address
limit integer N maximum number of records to return, between 0 and 100
offset integer N Offset, minimum 0

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success boolean Whether operation was successful
balances Array Asset array, details owned, each element is an asset, including asset name, balance, cap, precision, current circulation, whether to cancel (0: not cancelled, 1: cancelled)
count integer The number of assets currently owned by this address

JSON Response:

  "count": 1,
  "balances": [
      "address": "G4GDW6G78sgQdSdVAQUXdm5xPS13t",
      "currency": "AAA.BBB",
      "balance": "500000000",
      "flag": 2,
      "_version_": 1

Send asset (contract)

Prize: 10000000

gny-cli sendasset -e <secret> -c <currency> -a <amount> -r <address> [-m <message>] [-s <secret>]

gny-cli sendasset --secret <secret> --currency <currency> --amount <amount> --recipient <address> [--message <message>] [--secondSecret <secret>]

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
secret string Y gny account password
currency string Y a specific UIA Asset
amount number Y amount, between 1 and 10000000000000000
recipient string Y recipient’s address
message string N message with the transaction
secondSecret string N gny account second password

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
transactionId string transaction id

Register as a delegate (contract)

Prize: 100 GNY

gny-cli registerdelegate --secret <secret> [--secondSecret <secret>]

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
secret string Y gny account password
secondSecret string N gny account second password

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
transactionId string transaction id


Set second secret (contract)

Prize: 5 GNY

gny-cli setsecondsecret -e <secret> -s <secret>

gny-cli setsecondsecret --secret <secret> --secondSecret <secret>

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
secret string Y gny account password
secondSecret string Y gny account second password

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
transactionId string transaction id

Lock account (contract)

Prize: 0.1 GNY

gny-cli lock -e <secret> -h <height> -m <amount> [-s <secret>]

gny-cli lock --secret <secret> --height <height> --amount <amount> [--secondSecret <secret>]

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
secret string Y gny account password
height number Y the height to be locked
amount number Y the amount to be locked
secondSecret string N gny account second password

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
transactionId string transaction id

Vote for a list of keys (contract)

Prize: 0.1 GNY

gny-cli vote -e <secret> -u <usernames> [--s <secret>]

gny-cli vote --secret <secret> --usernames <usernames> [--secondSecret <secret>]

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
usernames Array Y delegate usernames
secret string Y gny account password
secondSecret string N gny account second password

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
transactionId string transaction id

Unvote for a list of keys (contract)

Prize: 0.1 GNY

gny-cli unvote -e <secret> -u <usernames> [-s <secret>]

gny-cli unvote --secret <secret> --usernames <usernames> [--secondSecret <secret>]

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
usernames Array Y delegate usernames
secret string Y gny account password
secondSecret string N gny account second password

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Description
success bool true: response data return successfully
transactionId string transaction id

List diff voters

gny-cli listdiffvotes [-u <username>] [-a <address>]

gny-cli listdiffvotes [--username <username>] [--address <address>]

Request Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
username string Y delegate username
address string Y delegate address

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
diffvotes Array Y username array


Create P2P Secret

gny-cli createp2psecret

Response Parameter Description:

Name Type Required Description
id string Y peer-id id
privKey string Y peer-id private key
pubKey string Y peer-id private key

JSON Response Example:

  "id": "QmS8qAn5UYykHD2FpqmELMTDFAB5WKBSWiKJWX4U7cnnR3",
  "privKey": "CAASpwkwggSjAgEAAoIBAQ...",
  "pubKey": "CAASpgIwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwg..."
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